Tall and Thin

Friday McKamy had her 4 month doctor’s visit.  Everything looks good!  She’s up to 25.5″ long and 12.6 pounds.  That puts her in the 90th percentile for height and the 28th percentile for weight.  It sure looks like she’s going to be tall!

She’s also either on track or ahead of the curve for developmental milestones.  Most babies aren’t able to roll from their back to the front until 5 or 6 months old — Kamy’s been doing that for weeks.  She’s always had excellent head and neck control.  She also loves to stand up and can support herself quite well for short periods of time.  Kamy’s also reaching for and grabbing items – another checkpoint at this age.  Several of the staff at the doctor’s office commented on how advanced she is.  I know she works hard at it!

I really like her pediatrician, Dr. Benzick.  He is very knowledgeable and will take all the time required to answer my questions … both little and big.  His staff is also quick to answer any questions or go out of their way to accommodate me.  They even have an online system where I can send in questions and Nurse Judy will call me back that day with an answer.  It definitely saves trips into the office and gives me a lot of peace of mind when something is niggling in my back of my mind.

Poor baby girl, she doesn’t like getting shots one bit.  Fortunately she doesn’t hold a grudge and gets over them pretty quickly.  I anticipated her discomfort this time and gave her some children’s acetaminophen (Tylenol) when we first got to the office so it would kick in before she was poked.  Nurse Judy usually administers the shots and she always feels so bad when it comes time to poke the babies.  It’s her least favorite part of the job!  I cannot say I blame her.  As Keller puts it, Murphy’s Law stipulates that babies are in the best moods when it’s time for shots … lol!

When we got home, Kamy spent some time on her back and I worked her legs in a bicycle motion to spread the medication through her system and get it out of her thighs where the shots were given.

Hooray for great news at our well baby checkups.  The next one is at 6 months, so we have a while before I have to take her back in.  Until then, it looks like Kamy might have to optimal combination of genes from Momma and Daddy — his height and my build.  She’d appreciate it if that’s the case!

Next milestone in progress — learning how to get our knees under us so we can start crawling!  Here’s our most recent attempt: