Blowing and Growing

Happy 5 month birthday McKamy!  I cannot believe how much time has passed already!  It seems like just a few weeks ago that we were heading to the hospital with contractions.  You’ve changed by leaps and bounds and constantly amaze us with how much you’re learning.

In the last month, you’ve really come into your personality.  You’re friendly, social, and happy.  You love seeing people and smiling back at them.  We get so many comments while running errands about how smiley and precious you are.  I could not agree more!  One of the most common compliments you get is you “look just like a little doll.”  Well my love, you are so much better than a doll but you sure are perfect to us!

Here’s all that you’ve started doing in the last month:

Blowing bubbles and vocalizing – One of your favorite sounds right now is blowing bubbles and buzzing your tongue at us.  I can’t even begin to replicate it myself, so I just had to catch it on video to share.  You make Daddy and me laugh when you get on a roll … you’re so lively and fun!  You’re also adding a slew of different noises as you’re figuring out how your voice works.  It will be so exciting when you learn how to talk!

Eating rice cereal – You’ve officially learned the use of a spoon!  Any spoon you get goes straight into your mouth, whether it has food on it or not.  One of the best “toys” right now is a metal spoon from our silverware.  Or a spoon at a restaurant.  Or a plastic disposable spoon.  Doesn’t matter … spoons are made to go in your mouth and you know what to do with it!  You’ll also help me guide the spoon into your mouth when it’s time to eat.  You’re so smart!

Fighting nap time – You’ve always been so alert and aware of everything that goes on around you.  Now that has translated into not wanting to go to sleep for naps.  I used to be able to get you to take a nap by feeding you the “sleepy juice,” but that isn’t reliable any more.  Now we try to calm you down enough to put yourself to sleep … though usually not without the requisite crying and fussing about being left alone in your crib.  Once asleep though, you’ll sleep for 30 – 60 minutes at a time.  The swing has made it’s reappearance for those times when the crib just isn’t an option.

Growing like crazy – In the two weeks after your 4 month checkup at the doctor’s office, you put on 2 full pounds.  Now you’re busy turning that weight (and cute little rolls on your thighs) into bone and muscle.  You’re sleeping more during the day and are hungry more than usual.  You weigh 14.6 pounds now, fully twice as much as when you were born.

Rolling – You can easily roll either direction at this point.  I have to be more conscious about where I put you down now that I can’t count on you staying in place.  You haven’t quite put the pieces together yet, but you can actually travel across the floor by rolling and wiggling.  Daddy’s been working with you to learn how to crawl too, so it is only a matter of time before you’re mobile.  That’ll be a fun day!

Bear in mind, she started out UNDER her play gym …

Play time – You are getting more and more independent.  You will entertain yourself in your play gym or exersaucer for as long as 30 minutes at a time now.  It sure makes it easier for Momma to get things done during the day!  You’re starting to have favorite toys, including Sophie the giraffe, Eeyore, and Winnie the Pooh.  An empty water bottle is quite entertaining too!

We love you Kamy-girl!  You bring so much joy into our family and we’re so blessed!  Hugs and kisses.