5 Month Photos

So I finally managed to pull Kamy’s 5 month photos from the internet.  We really got some cute ones and I was so pleased with how they came out.  Tina is my favorite photographer, so I was more than willing to wait a while to have her shoot the pictures.

Tina was so surprised that McKamy can sit up on her own now!  She didn’t believe me at first when I told her I wanted to have some pictures of her sitting up.

Kamy kept trying to eat her dress, so it was a trick to keep her hands down from her face and get a smile.

The last couple of times that we took photos of McKamy I wasn’t in them.  I wanted to make sure we had a few pictures of me with her, especially so we can look back and see how little she was!  I already can hardly remember how small she was when she was first born … she’s growing up so fast!

I ordered several, but I loved the idea of this one.

I’m going to create a 3 photo collage of these pictures and hang them together.  I <3 U is too cute!

I didn’t order this collage, but it sure was sweet!

Here is the original of that photo:

Little Miss Blue Eyes!

I love your sweet smile McKamy!