10 Months Today …

Wow, has it already been ten months since McKamy came into our lives?  I can hardly believe how quickly time has passed by.

I finally unpacked the pictures of Kamy to set on our entry table.  Since moving, I’ve been rather slow to unpack most of the decor, so I still have a lot of tabletops and walls that are bare.  I’ll get around to it eventually.  I changed out several of the photos to those that were taken more recently.  It’s amazing to me how much Kamy has grown and changed and learned … where did my little baby go?  She’s getting so big!

In the last month —

  • We’ve learned how to “share!”  If Kamy is playing with something, or eating something, she’ll reach out to you with it in her hand and give it to you.  We’ll take it from her, give her a big “THANK YOU” and hand it back.  We’ve joked that McKamy is going to learn that sharing means giving something and getting it right back.  LOL!  It’s so precious to see her put two and two together and figure out how this world works.

Playing with “Bob” in the tub

  • Kamy’s also learning how to “wave.”  She basically does the same thing as above, just without anything in her hand.  Last night I saw some waving motion too, but for now it’s mostly just reaching out.  Regardless, it’s super cute and warms our hearts to see.
  • McKamy is getting used to talking to Daddy on the computer.  Since she’s been going to bed around 5:30, she’ll have a short video chat with Keller over Gmail and smile and reach out to him.  I know it makes him feel so good to share a few special moments with her.
  • We still have a great little eater on our hands.  She’ll inhale most any fruit (except blueberries) and pretty much any bread product (tortillas, pancakes, waffles, bread, biscuits).  At breakfast this morning she ate two pancakes and most of a banana.  Yumm!

  • We still have 7 teeth and are seeing signs of number 8.  When she smiles, she looks so much like a toddler it’s unbelievable!  Just adding teeth makes her look much older.  And goodness that little smile is so cute!
  • Kamy’s right on the verge of figuring out how to stand on her own.  She definitely does the “shuffle” as she moves around furniture and she’ll often only hold on with one hand or just lean against something.  She’ll stand for the briefest of moments and then plop down.  I’m sure we’ll be walking in no time …

  • She’s also learned how to play with a ball!  She’ll either pick it up or bat it back to you if you roll it to her.  It’s amazing how accurate she can be considering she’s just swinging at the ball.  This game usually only lasts a few minutes, but it’s a lot of fun!
  • Playtime has also gotten more consistent.  I can actually get a few things done around the house (or write a blog post!) while Kamy entertains herself with her toys.  When she needs attention, she’ll just come get me and we’ll go play with her toys together.  I definitely appreciate having a few moments to myself without her climbing all over me all the time.

  • Naps are going better too!  We typically have one really good nap in the morning and then a shorter one in the afternoon.  If we can get a solid, consistent nap in after breakfast, I’ve got a happy, alert, interested baby on my hands all day long and it’s so much easier to run errands and get out of the house.  If that morning nap is a no-go, all bets are off until we can attempt another round.

Good little sleeping baby …

  • Lastly, Kamy’s definitely figured out how to say “Mama.”  It’s her new sound of choice and she’ll happily babble it.  She likes it even better if you echo her noises and talk back with her.  That game can go on for many minutes!

So, happy birthday McKamy!  I know your 1 year birthday is rapidly approaching, but I’m enjoying spending each any every day with you and watching you learn all about the world around us.  You bring so much laughter and so many smiles into our home.  We love you!