New Adventure Seat

I finally took the time to do all my research and settle on a new car seat for McKamy.  She’s pretty much outgrown her infant seat based on her height.  Since we’re going to need this infant car seat for another little one soon, it was time to make a decision.

After doing TONS of research online and reading a lot of reviews, I decided on the Britax Roundabout 55.  It’s a convertible car seat — it can be placed either rear facing or forward facing.  Since the AAP recommends keeping toddlers rear facing until 2 years old (not just the minimum 1 year and 20 pound mark), I wanted a car seat that would allow Kamy to stay rear facing until her next birthday.

We haven’t installed it yet because it’s kind of a daunting task — there are videos online to help figure it out, but it’s not really a simple process.  That was one of the biggest complaints about the car seat, but since we don’t intend to move it between cars, once it’s in place it’ll stay there for the most part.

In the mean time, it’s been sitting in our living room.  Kamy loves to sit in it and crawl all over it!

She looks like such a big girl sitting in that big seat all by herself!  <sniff>