McKamy – August Update

So, I’m very behind on this post but at least I’ve been keeping a notepad with Kamy’s milestones on it, so these updates should be accurate through August 22nd.  =)  August was such a busy month for us — the Colorado trip ended up being 15 days long when you include the stop in DFW on either end, so I don’t have many photos that weren’t already included in the Colorado blog posts.

  • We’ve made a ton of progress on using manners consistently!  Kamy started answering “yeah” to our questions, which is not how we’d like her to reply.  It took a week of completely ignoring Kamy’s answer of “yeah” to cut it out of her vocabulary.  Unfortunately, Keller and I both use it quite a bit and we’ve had to un-learn the word too.  Oops!  At least she came by it honestly.
  • Kamy is doing extremely well saying “yes sir” and “no ma’am” when answering questions.  She still takes some reminding, especially when talking to other adults, but she’s doing great.  If she does forget to say sir or ma’am, we’ll either ignore her answer or I’ll look at her, raise my eye brows, and wait for the correction.  She’s picked it up pretty quickly.  Being the silly goose that she is, sometimes she’ll switch around the pronouns intentionally … just to mess with us.

  • In general, Kamy’s language skills and grammar are getting much more accurate and articulate.  It amazes me that she can communicate so clearly!  Her sentences continue to get longer and more complex, and she is able to express more complicated concepts.
  • One of Kamy’s newer toys is a plastic piggy bank she got in Arkansas.  She loves to sit at my desk or at the kitchen table and drop coins into the slot.  It’s great practice for developing her fine motor skills!  We’ve also been talking about the different coins and their monetary value.  Kamy likes to pretend that the money she puts in her piggy bank (from my spare change container) magically becomes her money instead.  If you ask her, she’ll likely tell you that she has twenty eight and fifty dollars.  =P  Playing with Momma’s coins are fun!

  • For some reason, Kamy’s on a no-photo run right now.  She does not want me to take her picture and will do her best to make taking pictures difficult.  She’ll turn her back, run away, or stand right in front of the lens to block my shot.  Sometimes she’ll block my shots of Caden too … which is rather annoying!  I’m not sure why she doesn’t want her picture taken, but she does not.  I’m trying to give her the benefit of the doubt to ask before taking a photo and then listen to her refusal instead of taking it anyway.  If I do ask, the least I can do is go with her decision.  I try to be ready when the answer is yes though!

  • Kamy has gotten really good at puzzles!  Min brought several puzzles with her to Colorado and they were some of Kamy’s favorite toys while we were up there.  Most of the puzzles have 12 pieces each, and Kamy can consistently put them together without our help.  She’s mostly memorized where each piece goes instead of focusing on how the picture fits together, but I’m so impressed at how she does it — particularly fitting the pieces together easily.

Kamy continues to impress me by how much she learns and remembers — every day she seems to pick up something new.  Oh, to have the energy and desire to learn of a two year old!