Kamy – November Update

It is time again to talk about my sweet Kamy-girl.  She’s doing so good right now and she is such a joy to be around.  Her smile brightens every day and her hugs are the sweetest thing around.

  • Someone has been testing her powers lately.  If you ask a question, most of the time you’ll get one answer quickly followed by a different option.  Then she sees if she can convince you that the first answer was the one she wanted.  I am actively discouraging this, and I try to stick with the first answer she gives me.  Most of the time it is about trivial matters so changing to the second choice isn’t really a problem, but I want her to learn that her first answer is the one we are going with.  Admittedly I need to be more consistent about enforcing this principle, but I’m trying.
  • We have had some really beautiful fall weather.  I try to get the kids outside for an hour or so every day — at the park, on a walk, or just in the backyard.  They both love spending time outside and if you intercept Caden sneaking out an open door he’ll strongly protest with tears and everything.

  • Since Kamy has been using a night light in her room for the past few months, she’s been told she is not allowed to pull it out of the socket.  Twice we’ve caught her rubbing marks on the wall in her room during quiet time, so the night light went away.  We started round two in mid November and so far she has left it alone.  I think someone is learning!  Self-control is hard some times …
  • Kamy’s bedtime routine is still the same, though she will substitute out one of her normal blankets for one Min gave her on occasion.  The fourth blanket in the rotation was made by Ma-Maw, Min’s grandmother.  The white blanket goes over Kamy’s feet, the pink one from Aunt Donna goes over her “belly and tummy and under my arms,” and either the pink or Ma-Maw’s blanket goes over her head.  She disappears under all those blankets!  Of course, that is assuming that she stays in her bed under those blankets:

  • Thanks to Nana, Kamy has a new stock of stickers to play with.  She loves using stickers and will happily amuse herself arranging (and rearranging) stickers on paper.  She is doing really good at keeping the stickers only on approved paper and not on toys, furniture, or her brother.  =P
  • Someone is learning how to catch!  She is not the most coordinated toddler when it comes to reflexes,  so until recently she hadn’t really understood how catching works.  After working with Daddy on it for a little while, she started to figure it out.  Here’s one of the first successful attempts:

  •  Kamy has also been enjoying playing with a stack of Daddy’s records.  We have a little pile of records with kids songs, and Kamy can look through them and choose one to listen to in the evenings after Caden goes to bed.  She has been particularly fond of the Walt Disney compilations lately … so much that Daddy asked me to hide them so she’d choose something else for a change.  Now he is telling the truth when he says he doesn’t know where they are.  Lol!
  • Miss Kamy has been attempting to hide behind her hands when she is in trouble.  If she pushes Caden over, the first thing she will do is put her hands over her face.  I think it is kind of like an ostrich hiding its head in the sand — if she can’t see me, then I must not be able to see her.  Or something like that.  Too bad for her physics doesn’t work that way!  =P  She also will hide her face if she does not want me to take her picture or (rarely) doesn’t want me to look at her.

  • Kamy really has been a great big sister to Caden.  She watches for his fingers and hasn’t pinched his fingers in anything in months.  She’ll warn him if he’s about to do something he’s not allowed to.  My favorite is when she tells him “It’s okay little buddy” when he’s crying in the car.  Such a sweetheart!  I love watching them play together.  He watches her like a hawk, so I know he learns a ton from her already.

I am grateful that Kamy is the sweet little girl that she is.  I love spending time with her and watching her little personality bloom.  Her curiosity and creativity surprise me daily.