
Both kids had a great time at Easter this year.

Oma and Opa came out to Linden that weekend, so we met up with them to play on Friday.  I sent Oma out with some Easter eggs I picked up on clearance last year so she could hide them for the kids.  Kamy and Caden had a lot of fun looking for the Easter eggs!  Oma put jelly beans in some of the eggs, so that was Caden’s favorite part!  As soon as he’d find an egg he would shake it to see if something was inside.  It was super cute.

The kids liked finding “Easter bunny eggs” so much that I hid them a second time and filled them with grapes so they could find them again.  =)

Friday evening Min came out to join us for the weekend.  We decided to go to the “Easter bunny hunt” at the Daingerfield State Park.  It’s the same hunt we went to last year, but this year we made sure that we were there early.  They start right at 10am, so don’t be late because nothing is left after two minutes!  Neither kid was particularly smile-y that day, but I did manage to get some good photos.  It was overcast all morning, so the light was perfect for photos.

Min took a few photos of us, so we finally have an updated photo of our little family.  I wish Caden had been more cooperative, but sometimes you take what you can get.  Here’s last year’s post for comparison.

Kamy even made the local newspaper!  There was a photographer from the Steel Country Bee and she got a picture of Miss Kamy looking for eggs.  Unfortunately it was from behind, but if you know it is her you can tell.