Kamy – May

*insert obligatory Iknowthisislatebutbetterlatethannever statement*  =P

  • One of the ironic things about Miss Kamy is her flexibility compared to the rigidity of her routines.  When we are doing something new, it is no big deal to change plans and make adjustments on the fly.  We were going to the park but now we aren’t?  Okay.  Most of the time she is super flexible and easy to please.  However, if you start messing with her routine, the smallest change can really turn into a big deal.  For example, Kamy usually asks Daddy to “make me a package” and carry her to her bedroom at night.  One time Daddy didn’t take the blanket back to the living room with him (*GASP*) and she just about had a meltdown over it.  Because she seems so sensitive, we have been making a point to move her cheese periodically, just so she can learn to handle it.  Okay — it’s mostly Daddy who moves her cheese since I tend to do less boat-rocking by choice.  =P  She is doing better about it, but the seemingly-smallest things will push her buttons sometimes.
  • Kamy’s story telling ability and sentence structure are getting more complicated.  She will happily recount everything she’s done the day before or recap our last trip into DFW.  She has a super sharp memory and remembers details like “Kaylie and I were playing under the stairs at Grandmommy’s house at Christmas,” and she’s accurate!  She brings up things we’ve done on big events (like our NY trip) and small things like what I said one day at church.  Kamy continually amazes me with how she remembers details and pieces our world together.
  • Daddy and Kamy have been reading chapter books!  While her interest has since waned, they did make it through all of the original Winnie the Pooh and half way through Charlotte’s Web.  We weren’t sure how long they would hold her attention since they are not illustrated but she did great!  She was usually up for one chapter a night — any longer and she’d start to zone out.  At the end of each chapter Daddy would ask her what happened and what the story was about and she was pretty good about following the general story.  I’m so proud of her!  I’m hoping that chapter books and literature will become more prevalent soon — goodness knows Daddy and I are pretty tired of the same simple books over and over again.

  • Kamy remains interested in her learning books — both of them get used regularly.  She has been working on drawing circles, doing mazes, and tracing.  She especially likes connect the dot activities and guessing what the picture will be when she’s done.  Both of her learning books are at the pre-k level, but I have a feeling we may be moving up to K fairly soon.  She’s doing great!
  • Also new this month is being able to consistently count down from 10!  We’ve never really used a number line to learn to count, so I am proud that she’s really understanding how the numbers relate to each other and not just memorizing the order.  Caden?  Still just has numbers memorized and he has no clue what they mean yet.  =P
  • We finally hung the clock we gave Kamy for Christmas in her room.  She doesn’t understand how to tell time yet, but I’m sure it won’t take her long.  She’s already asking what time it is now and what time quiet time or nap time is over, as well as when I’ll come get her in the morning.  It’s a good thing we don’t have the clock in our room though, it’s got a really loud tick that would drive Daddy batty.  Lol!
  • While eating dinner one night, we started talking about our spicy food.  Both kids have always loved anything spicy, so we were discussing how milk helps cool off the spicy in your mouth.  This is what our three year old said, “When I grow up I will live in my own little house with my own little babies and when I feed them spicy bites I will give them some milk.”  That’s right Kamy-girl … that’s right.  She cracks us up sometimes!

  • Kamy loves to help Caden.  It seems like she is always near him and wants to help (or do things) for him.  She is so sweet to her brother.  She asks if she can help him clean up his room after he pulls out his clothes while waiting in his room.  She also likes to help him find his sippy cup for milk before meals.  She’d take his laundry to the laundry room for him too if we’d let her.  I love her caring heart and I really appreciate the relationship that they have.  I know it won’t always be like this, but it sure bodes well for the future!

I love my sweet Kamy-girl!

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