Caden – November

Now that Caden’s hit his second birthday, I’m going to shift his posts slightly so they mirror Kamy’s posts.  I still intend on posting monthly, but his will be split around the 16th of the month.  So because of the split, the Halloween recap falls in this post.  Caden was a fireman this year and he loved his hat.  He still wears it around the house periodically.  He was pretty darn cute!  He had fun trunk or treating up in Daingerfield and did a great job.

  • One of Caden’s “birthday” presents was transitioning his bed from a crib to a big boy bed.  Min gave him a pillow pet for his birthday too, so now he is set!  He’s actually done really well with it.  The first two days he stayed in his bed at naptime and bedtime without a problem, but we spent the next week or so dealing with his ability to climb out of bed now and deciding not to take a nap.  The struggle was relatively short lived, though I did pull out the pack n play and have it set up in his room for a few days as a deterant / consequences for not staying in bed.  Not that that kept him in either, but it was a bit more effort for him to get out than just stepping down.  Since then he’s done awesome with his bed, especially at bedtime.  He is usually ready for bed when it’s time anyway, so he is pretty cooperative.  Thanks to daylight savings time, both kids go to bed an hour “earlier” than before, so bedtime is at 6:45 for Caden.

  • Caden is doing awesome with the potty.  While we haven’t switched to pull up diapers or undies yet, he will consistently try to use the potty at each diaper change and qualifies for candy several times a day.  I’m so proud of him and am tentatively excited about getting him out of diapers in the next few months.  <Crossed fingers>  Sometimes while we are out playing, he’ll stop for a moment, pause, and say “Gonna be POOPY!”  And he’s right.  =P  It’s not quite enough time to actually get him to the bathroom and get the diaper off, but that’s coming soon.
  • Caden’s language skills continue to improve.  He picks up new phrases all the time and uses them correctly most of the time.  However, we don’t always keep up with his increased vocabulary.  Add in his tendency to mumble, and we spend half our day asking him, “What?”  I swear sometimes I catch one or two words out of a whole sentence.  I’m getting better at piecing together what he intended to say, but we are definitely working on his enunciation.  Silly boy!  He can do it, he’s just lazy about it.  It is a problem when “no please” and “yes please” sound exactly the same … just “mrphPeas.”  Not good enough buddy!

  • “I don’t want to” is one of his most common phrases right now.  I’m sure you can guess where he heard that phrase from.  =/  I hear it a lot when I tell him it’s time to do something like pick up or go to his room or change his diaper.  I’m sorry Caden, and it is okay to tell me that you don’t want to, but that isn’t likely to make me change my mind.
  • We’ve been working with Kamy on how bossy she can be.  We tell Kamy that she is “being too bossy” as a reminder to make requests, not commands.  We’ve also talked about how Kamy is “not the boss,” particularly of Caden.  He’s taken these two phrases and morphed them together into “Not the Bossy!”  His mistake is turning it around and telling Momma “Not the Bossy!”  Unfortunately for you buddy, I AM the Bossy.  =P  The first time he said it just burst out laughing.  I am the Bossy sweet boy.
  • Sharing is another concept we are dealing with right now.  A lot of time one kid wants to play with what the other has.  Our response so far as been to ask who had it first, and they get to retain it.  It is up to them if they are done with it and let the other one use it.  Caden thinks that the phrase “Have it first!” means that he gets it though … I think he missed the whole who-actually-had-it-first part.  =)  You can’t say that to put dibs on something.
  • Caden is a skipper!  He skips all the time instead of running around.  I think it is so cute!  He still walks on his tiptoes a lot, but it is a little harder to tell when he is skipping.  No regular walking in our house, it is too boring!

  • Daddy and Caden have a new call and answer game this month.  Daddy says “BOOM Fireworks!”  Caden: “I know.  Need a umbella.”  We watched fireworks out in Linden last month and needed an umbrella since it was raining.  Now you must always have an umbrella when you watch fireworks!  (Sorry Caden isn’t facing the camera in this video, it was the best version I got).

  •  Daddy’s clearly been busy this month because he came up with a second game for the kids this month too!  This one is called 321 Blast Off.  Why?  I’ll let you watch and find out.  =)

Caden is at such a cute age right now.  He loves to smile and laugh and play.  He loves to cuddle and be sweet.  He is beyond precious and I love spending every day with my boy.  He’s a good one!