Caden – March

Caden continues to be a little mimic of Miss Kamy.  He is constantly learning from her — copying what she is saying and doing.  She’s intentionally teaching him now too, which is really neat to see.  Caden has started his own “learning book,” a pre-K workbook.  He really likes it and feels so special that he has his own book to do now.  He loves to put a sticker on the page when he finishes the activity.  Through working in the book, Caden now knows all his letters.  “y” is still remembered as, “kamY,” but otherwise he can correctly identify them.  It’s funny — he can come up with words that start with a certain letter or that rhyme, but actually identifying a specific letter has been more challenging for him.  I think it has to do with linking the visual symbol with the auditory name.  For whatever reason, he’s got it now!




As most children seem to be, Caden is drawn like a magnet to the Wii and computers.  He can play MarioKart and is starting to hold his own against the computers.  He also has completed the first level in Captain Toad, which he was very proud of.  Screen time is still highly limited, but he likes to play or watch any time he can.  And dance.  <wink>

Caden and Daddy have a new back-and-forth where they’ve swapped names with each other.  It’s pretty cute actually, but it does get a little confusing when other people ask Caden what his name is and he replies, “Daddy!”  Then they look at me with this puzzled look on their face.  =P

Daddy hacked together a surprise one afternoon — the kids thought it was so much fun, even if the broom handle was a bit worse for wear!


Speaking of Daddy, his ankle was bothering him one day and he was hobbling around.  Caden told him, “You need a bandaid and some medicine.  That’ll help.  A BIG bandaid, kind of like a butterfly.”  That’s right sweetheart, medicine and a bandaid does help when something hurts.  Though unless there’s blood, you’re not getting a bandaid from me.

Still, it’s not all smooth sailing over here, because one day we heard Caden say, “Daddy … you broke my heart!” after Daddy made him sit on the couch instead of running around.  I was gifted the following jewel: “Momma, you broke my heart AND my listener.”  Oh goodness, that’s so sad!

One thing that IS fun is playing in the mud.  With all the rain we’ve had this spring, we have a fabulous puddle and mud hole to mess around in.  I don’t know how he did it, but there was dirt on every inch of his body, including his backside under all his clothes.






Spending time in Linden is right up there with playing in the mud.  We had a great day out in Linden, playing in the sand, traipsing around the lake, digging up bugs, and exploring.  Being a boy is so much fun!



We love you sweet boy!
