Kamy — August

Grandmommy and Grandbobby were able to come out for lunch and visiting in August!  We really enjoyed having them and getting a chance to spend time with them.  We appreciated Min chauffeuring them so they could visit.

Kamy has been sick off and on this summer, from one bug or another, so she missed a couple of her gymnastics classes in August.  One round was particularly rough with a bad cough and fever for nearly a week.  Then the cough lingered for another several weeks and didn’t go away until mid-September.  One of the hazards of gymnastics — picking up all the bugs that public school kids end up with.  We just get them more indirectly.  =P

Kamy has been having so much fun at gymnastics!  She loves her class and really likes the competitive nature of it.  Kamy does a great job staying focused and trying hard during her class.  It is a lot of fun to watch her be challenged at a physical task and grow.  She will be switching over to intermediate level 2 class that starts at the end of August.

However, we spent the last week of August and first two weeks of September in Colorado!  We had a wonderful time.  The kids loved playing outside, going on walks, and riding on the four wheelers.  Oma and Opa are so much fun to be with, plus it was nice to escape the heat here in Texas.  I will post the photos from our CO trip in a later blog post.

On the way to Colorado, Kamy lost another tooth!  This time it was on the bottom right next to her two new middle teeth.  She was messing with it all day in the car and it finally came out as we were pulling into Oma and Opa’s neighborhood.  She still has the silly upper tooth that is not coming out!  Her new top tooth has come in but the baby tooth is behind the new one and isn’t bothering Kamy enough to mess with.  It’ll eventually come out!

The kids defeated the last boss in Yoshi’s Wooly World on the Wii.  Bowser Junior is the end boss and, while it took them about a week to figure out how to complete the level, Kamy and Caden finally won!  They were very excited.  As is typical of Mario games, there are extra “achievements” and levels you can unlock by completing everything in each level, so the kids have still been playing Yoshi.

In school, we’ve switched continents and are now studying Africa.  The kids especially enjoy the folktales from Africa — all the talking animals and different creation stories are fascinating to them.  Math has been emphasizing reading clocks and calendars.  Kamy is getting more confident reading on her own.  She doesn’t like to read out loud to me because I will correct her, but I’ll often find Kamy reading an easy reader book to Caden.  I also subscribed to Kiwi Crate — a monthly subscription service where they send a STEM-based activity box.  The kids have really been enjoying them.  This month we did a kit about water power and the kids built a little water mill.  Most of the kits are quick and easy to assemble, which works well for Kamy and Caden.  I have mixed feeling about the kits — the kids are learning new concepts and the experiments work, but there is very little reusability and they end up lying around until I throw the kit away.  I don’t think I’ll be renewing the subscription, but we will still work through the kits as they come.