Caden – 23 Months

Caden is doing so awesome! I can’t believe he is doing all of this just one month shy of his second birthday.  I am so proud of my little man.  He sure is sweet, but not so sweet he will melt in the rain without an umbrella apparently!  Who needs an umbrella when you have rain boots?  It would just slow you down.

  • Speaking of being wet — we have one little water bug.  He loves to get wet – in the rain, in the hose, in the bath.  We went to the splash park in Longview a couple of times this month and both kids loved playing there.  Caden calls it “Splash park FUN!” whenever we talk about it.

  • He is really picking up on vocabulary and overall language skills.  His sentences are getting more accurate and complex.  He is learning about context and will answer yes and no questions much more accurately.  At the end of each meal, Caden nearly always asks to be excused early.  Our reply is to ask him if everyone is done eating.  “Is Daddy still eating?  Yesss.  Is Momma still eating?  Nyooo.  Is Kamy still eating?  Yesss.  So can you be excused?  Nyoooo.”  Goofy boy!  I love how he says “no” to those questions.  His little expressions and head shake are adorable.

  • He is also responsible for putting his napkin in the laundry and his sippy cup in the kitchen at the end of each meal.  If his milk sippy cup is MIA, he has to find it and bring it to me in order to get milk next time.  He has a tendency to run off with it and leave it random places, so I’m hoping that’ll help encourage him to keep track of it.
  • Both kids really play off each other and copy constantly.  It is quite obvious and really comical to watch.  Because of this though, Caden has been doing great with the potty.  He can go pretty consistently and definitely understands the mechanics.  =P  Each diaper changes now has a potty break to “pee da ah potty.”  He earns candy just like his sister and they’ve been super sweet sharing when one earns and the other doesn’t.  Caden is pretty funny about poopy diapers too, because as soon as he is poopy (or during the event) he’ll call out “Change your diaper AGAIN!”  Not change my diaper, change your diaper.  Silly boy.  After going potty, both kids do the potty dance — running around in the office in a circle laughing.  It’s super cute.
  • I think Caden is working on cutting a few more molars.  I haven’t seen direct evidence, but he has been chewing on his fingers a lot lately which is pretty unusual for him.  Fortunately he has had hardly any trouble with teething and being extra fussy thanks to the new teeth.  He’s doing great.
  • Caden can say his full name.  Unlike Kamy, he doesn’t have a particularly funny rendition of Giacomarro, but it is still pretty cute.  =)  He always does a head bob when he says it.

  • I think we are finally over the hump of learning colors.  He wasn’t too interested in colors, letters, or numbers like Kamy was at this age, but he is picking them up here and there.  He can correctly identify them almost all of the time and he does a funny little Monty Python joke with Daddy.  “What is your name?  Caden.  What is your quest?  Seek gail.  What is your favorite color?  Blue!  No red!” and Keller proceeds to tickle Caden like crazy.  Whether this helped him learn his colors is irrelevant, but it is quite funny to watch especially since Caden has started to switch between red and blue trying to head off the incoming tickle.

  • Books are still really high on his list.  If I ever take a break and sit down on the couch, Caden immediately calls out “Read a book!” and runs to pick one out from the shelf.  Either couch is fair game, so consider yourself warned.

  • Caden has started picking out his jammies at night time and will sometimes pick out his clothes for the day too.  His reigning favorites are the fire truck jammies and the rhino shirt.  Incidentally, since I do laundry every day, they are usually clean and he is wearing both in pictures in this post.

We love you buddy!  Very cute you are.  😉

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