Who’s that Baby in the Mirror?

McKamy has just recently found a fascination with looking at mirrors.  Particularly herself in the mirror!  I would not say that she knows it’s her, but she will spend quite a while (in baby-time) looking and talking to herself in the mirror.  It’s quite cute!

One of our favorite activities is to sit or stand on the bathroom counter and look at the mirror!  Of course, I’m keeping her upright so my hands aren’t free for the camera.  Tonight she was particularly talkative to the person in the mirror and I asked Keller to try to catch it on video.  She wasn’t quite as vocal as she was earlier in the evening, but you should get a decent idea of the fun we have standing in the bathroom.  Who knew that a mirror could be so much fun!?!

The last 30 seconds aren’t really worth watching, so just feel free to stop at 1:30.  (I’m working on figuring out a video editing program so I can splice videos together and cut out the parts where nothing is happening, but that’s not quite ready yet.)  Enjoy!

We also used a mirror in our swim class over the weekend.  One of the activities that Karyn (the swim instructor) taught us involved teaching our babies how to float on their back.  To do that, you get them mostly floating with their ears under water, looking at the ceiling.  Then use a mirror to draw their attention back and above them so they raise their chins.  By lifting her chin, Kamy takes in a bigger breath and can find her buoyancy point.  She’s getting pretty good at it too!  We stopped by the swim school pool for a quick dip earlier today and she was able to do it without a mirror by watching me.  Such a smart girl!

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