Colorado – Saturday through Monday

Our family vacation for this summer was a trip up to Grandmommy and Grandbobby’s cabin up in Durango, Colorado.  The last time we were up here was when I was pregnant with McKamy, so it’s been two and a half years since we last made the trip.  We were excited to be going back!

We made the drive over night on Friday.  Fortunately, our evil plan to wear the kids out in Oma and Opa’s pool worked really well — both kids were asleep before we got to Decatur by 8pm.  What a relief!  The drive itself went really well — both kids slept most of the way and were great.  They woke up in Albuquerque but fell asleep again once we hit the road after getting gas and a potty break.  After a quick breakfast in Bloomfield, we rolled into Durango about 8:30am.  We stopped at Walmart and Albertsons to stock up on groceries and then headed up to the cabin.  We finally got to the cabin about 10am.

We didn’t do much beyond taking a few short walks in  the neighborhood and playing in the front yard on Saturday.  We were all pretty worn out from the drive, so everyone went to bed early and caught up on some sleep.

Sunday morning we played outside again, went on a walk, and just enjoyed the beautiful weather.  After lunch a quick rainstorm popped up and Kamy loved playing in the rain!

Sunday afternoon Min and Payton arrived.  We were glad to see them — Kamy and Caden couldn’t wait for playtime and attention and Momma admittedly looked forward to a little break from the kiddos.  =)

Monday was spent enjoying the beautiful weather and scenery up here.  It’s was so nice to escape from the heat of Texas and enjoy some cooler temps for a change.  Most of the highs have been in the low 80s during the day, so we are quite comfortable!  Add in an afternoon rain shower to cool things off a bit and we are all happy campers.

Kamy also played with bubbles on the back porch.  She had so much fun chasing down the bubbles and popping them with her hands, her bucket, or her feet!