Happy 4th!

Happy 4th of July to all our family and friends!

I am grateful that we live in the United States of America!  On this Independence Day, it’s important to take a step back from all the chaos of our lives and appreciate the world and country that we live in.  While I certainly do not agree with everything that happens here, I am aware of the great freedoms that we have compared with the rest of the world.  That our military protects us every day from unseen and unheard threats – here and abroad. That freedom of speech is still protected.  I am grateful that McKamy lives in a country where she is not limited in her ambition.  That she can grow up to be whoever she chooses.

While we don’t have anything special planned for this holiday, I did have some photos taken with Kamy last time we were at the studio.  They had a special background and props for the 4th, so we had to take advantage of them.

Happy Independence Day America!  I hope that our country continues to offer our families and loved ones limitless opportunities.

Little American feet:

Playing in the fluff!