Caden loves to ride his bike! He is on it nearly every day and is constantly on the move. It has been a great physical outlet for him and he is nearly as quick as Kamy by now.
After crashing out of a tree last month, Caden has not been climbing much at all. When I asked him about it he said, “I don’t want to fall out and hurt myself. And I like doing other things too.” Like riding his bicycle. Fair enough little boy! He did sit in one of our small trees at the very end of November but that has been it this month. Our monkey is cautious again.
Caden lost his first tooth! Unlike Kamy who can have a loose tooth for months and months and months, Caden discovered his wiggly tooth and then got it out the same day. He just fiddled and messed with it all day long until it popped out! He has a second tooth that is loose as well, so it’s just a matter of time until it comes out too.
Though a little sillier and less pose-y than Kamy, I still managed to get some good photos of The Boy with my new camera lens. I love this little guy!
Nana gave Caden a 300 piece puzzle for his birthday last month and the kids finished it! This was completely their project — I didn’t place a single piece for them. They did a great job and Caden was so proud of the finished puzzle! Puzzles come and go on their interest levels, so it looks like they’re back in fashion for now!
Caden bought a few new pieces for their wooden train set this month. He picked out both a trestle bridge and an eight way crossing piece. Now the kids can really build a big set.
Caden is plugging right along in his school work. We’re working on his lower case printing right now. His math program continues to work well for him — it introduces new concepts slowly and then reviews it in pieces again and again over a dozen lessons. Caden has been particularly interested in studying ancient Egypt, but he is a bit put off by all the fighting and “war.”
We’ve enjoyed having family visiting this month — both for the Thanksgiving holiday and just on the weekends. Caden loves all the extra attention and cuddles!