Caden — January

While Kamy spent a couple of days with Min to make a quilt, I took Caden on our first Caden-Momma date.  We dropped Kamy off at Min’s and went to Great Wolf Lodge!  Caden is a little water bug and he had so much fun.  Since it was during the school year, GWL was nearly empty.  The lines for the slides were minimal and we spent a ton of time in the water.  Unfortunately a lot of the slides require being at least 42″ tall, so he couldn’t ride the bigger slides.  Next time though!  He had a blast on the shallow slides and we went on them over. and over. and over again.  My legs were really feeling it the next day after all those stairs!  Caden loved staying in the themed room with bunk beds, though he opted for the lower bunk so he couldn’t see the light from the “smoke contektor.”





Four is proving to be a harder emotional age for Caden.  He’s having to figure out how to handle his emotions, especially a little sour attitude.  He gets emotional pretty easily, especially if he is frustrated with Keller or Kamy.  It’s hard being four …

He’s picked up a really heavy southern drawl on a couple of words.  The best example is “yee-yah,” a four or five syllable word of agreement.  What a silly boy!

Caden’s current fascination is attempting to surprise people.  He’ll jump out from behind something and shout, “BOO!  Did that surprise you?!”  It has been done and over done so many times, the answer is always, “No, you didn’t surprise me.”  Kamy’s picked it up some too, though it’s Caden that is doing it constantly.

Caden still loves his gymnastics class.  It’s given him so much self confidence and awareness of his body and balance.  I routinely find him walking on the deck handrails like a balance beam.  Considering he often does it in his rainboots, has to step over the supports every 8′, and the rails are only 3″ wide, it’s pretty impressive.  Of course, I’m not crazy about him doing it where there’s a 4′ drop off, but so far he hasn’t hurt himself much.  We’re already resigned to the inevitability of a broken bone in his future — it’s just a matter of when.  =)

The kids have been spending a lot of time playing in the sand box.  We’ve had a relatively warm winter, with no ice or snow to be seen, so the kids are outside every day.  The sandbox has been a big hit.  I bought them another bag of play sand to fill it and told them it needed to last until summer.  They have a tendency to dump it out onto the ground, so I’m not buying sand every month.  For now, they are being more conservative with it, though I’d be surprised if it lasted all the way to June.

For school, we’ve been working on addition, telling time, identifying differences, and legibility.  He is doing great with school and learns a lot, both from Kamy and from all around him.  I’m pretty proud of my little man!
