Caden – 4 Months

Another month, another handful of milestones for Caden.  It’s amazing to watch him grow and learn a little every day.

  • Caden has really become a little rolly-polly!  He rolls over constantly and then still seems surprised when he’s on his tummy again.  I keep telling him that if he doesn’t like being on his belly, he shouldn’t roll over.  I guess my message hasn’t gotten through yet.  =P  For the moment, he always rolls over his left side.  He’s also figured out how to roll over when he’s swaddled in his crib at night.  Silly boy!

  • Sleeping is still a work in progress with him.  On a good night, he’ll just wake up once.  However, I can be up as many as four or five times if it’s a rough night.  He really hates going to sleep and taking naps.  I don’t know what he’s so bothered about, but he wants nothing to do with it at all.  Caden hasn’t figured out how to self-soothe yet, so when he wakes up at night I know he’s not going back to sleep without help (or a really painful, really long drawn out cry).
  • Caden is really starting to mimic us, especially smiling and laughing.  One of  the cutest things he’ll do is laugh back at you when you laugh for him.  It’s super adorable!    He’s such a smiley baby — he smiles with his whole face and you can’t help but smile back at him!  Caden is a huge talker and will tell you the biggest stories!  Kamy was not very talkative this young and rarely babbled to us, so this is definitely a change.

  • Caden is also standing up really well.  His balance is in need of more work, but his legs are more than strong enough to support his weight.  If you lean him forward while standing, he’ll take little steps with his feet too.  He’ll be running circles around us before we know it …

  • At his doctor’s appointment, he fell in the 85th percentile for height and the 45th percentile for weight.  If he stays at that ratio, he’ll top out at about 6’2″ tall, a little shorter than Daddy but much taller than Momma for sure.  =P  Everything else looks healthy and great.  The footed sleepers that he wears are starting to get too short already, so I’m scouting good deals online for 9 month clothes.  He’s growing so fast!  We’re also transitioning him over to the largest size diapers … the same ones that Kamy is in.  Not only are the medium ones too narrow around the waist, but he can really fill them up and we need more absorbency.  He can already wear the same diaper covers too.
  • Caden is such an observant baby.  He watches everything that goes on around him and he’ll follow you with his eyes as you move around the room.  He loves to watch Kamy and you can almost see the wheels turning as he’s trying to figure out what she’s doing.  I know he’ll learn so much from her.  Here he’s looking past Oma to the computer screen, trying to figure out what it is.

  • Caden loves attention at all times.  He’s a very busy baby and really wants you to be focused on him and not doing anything else.  If he can tie up both of your hands and keep you from multitasking at all, even better!  He’s a bit of a handful at times, especially during the day when we’re trying to give Kamy attention too.  We are making progress, but he’s not much of a fan of “play by yourself” time.
  • Our current favorite nickname for Caden is “cookies!”  Since he resists sleeping so much, it comes as no surprise that whenever he wakes up, he’s pretty mad about it.  We never know if his nap is going to be ten minutes or an hour and ten minutes long, so we don’t know when the “timer” is going to go off.  Hence “cookies” was born.  Even cuter, Kamy’s hearing is sharper than ours and she’ll often sound the alarm when Caden wakes up and starts crying by calling out “Tuh tees!”  How can you not smile when you hear that?
  • Watching Peter Pan with Daddy and Kamy

We love you Caden!

*Note – I’ve been really terrible about taking pictures lately.  As you can see, I mostly get photos when we have company!  It might have something to do with running after two little ones all day, but I’m trying to do better and keep my camera within reach more often.*