Ten Weeks Old

Little McKamy isn’t so little any more!  It constantly amazes me how quickly she is growing up and how, little by little, she’s changing on a daily basis.  Sometimes it hits me particularly hard if I haven’t been paying very close attention for a few days.  It’s almost like it sneaks up on me and says “Surprise!”

I weighed her this morning and we’re officially up to 11 pounds!  Wow!  She’s on the edge of fitting into her 3-6 month clothes that are stashed in the closet and the pieces she has been wearing for the last few weeks are getting tighter each day.  She’s still really slim and hasn’t gotten that typical baby-plumpness, so she’s mostly out growing her clothes in length.  Her torso is really long!

I love my sweet McKamy more and more each day.  She’s such a blessing in our lives and brings joy and sunshine and a smile to my face daily.