
Keller and I had a lot to celebrate this past weekend, so pardon the delayed posting.  Between errands, family, and plans, I haven’t had time to vacuum the house, much less post.  Sorry!


Friday Keller and I celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary!  I cannot believe it’s really been five whole years since we got married … in some ways it seems so long and in others so short.  When I think about everything that we’ve done and how much we’ve grown together and changed, it’s amazing that it’s only been five.  Of course, we’ve had more changes in the past year than we did in the first four because of little Miss McKamy!

Friday morning we went to take family pictures!  Other than the maternity and two week old pictures we took, we didn’t have any photos of the family — at least not professionally.  We got some cute ones, so I am looking forward to my order coming in later this week.  I really liked them!  Keller’s not a big fan of taking photos, so I appreciate him humoring me for our anniversary.  =)

Here were the two images that I ordered:

We also went to dinner at Macaroni Grill Friday night since Keller got off work early.  Here we are at dinner — Kamy’s showing off her new flower!

We extended our anniversary celebration through Sunday night when we went out to dinner at Villa O in Highland Park / Uptown and then at the Dallas Summer Musical production of Wicked.  Dinner was tasty, if a bit overpriced for what you got.  I don’t think we’ll be going back again, but the food was good.

All dressed up!  Doesn’t Keller look handsome!

We both LOVED Wicked.  The production value alone (sets / vocals / overall impact) was phenomenal and well worth the price of admission. We have nose-bleed seats in the Music Hall for our season tickets since we are usually able to move down to better seats because it’s rarely full.  It was busy last night though!  It was a packed house.  We ended up sitting in our assigned seats, but we could hear well from there, so it worked out just fine.

Grandpops watched Kamy for us Sunday night and said they had a great time!  It was the longest that we’d left her, if only by about 30 minutes.  She’s a funny little girl though.  Apparently he had her laying on the couch without a diaper for a while (on a waterproof pad) since she likes to be “airy” sometimes.  Well, as soon as he put on her diaper, it was wet!   It happened more than once too.  I would be super surprised if it was anything other than an accident that it worked out that way, but if she wants to teach herself how to be potty trained, that’s okay with me!  Lol!  My sweet little girl was asleep when we got home a bit before midnight and she slept right through until 7 am this morning.  Such a great sleeper!

On top of all the anniversary plans, McKamy had her first swim class on Saturday.  Emler Swim School over in Southlake has a new program for infants 2 – 5 months old.  It’s designed to teach them about water and teach us how to use bath time and water for socialization and stimulation.  I’m sure it’s also a plug in for their classes that start at 6 months, but it seems like a good program.  The class is only 30 minutes long but we’ve got pool space reserved for an hour, so we can stay in the water for a while if we want to (and if the babies aren’t done).  Fortunately the pool is heated too — a toasty 90*.  We weren’t cold!  The class itself was really small — just three babies were there.  We got a lot of personal attention and she taught us some new songs to sing in the water and some “exercises” to do with them to teach them how to float and hold their breath.  And of course, play!

It was also nice to get some great feedback from the instructor on how well Kamy is doing.  She had probably the best head control of the babies who were there — and she was the youngest!  Makayla is just over 3 months old and Liam was 5 months old.  She was also having a great time in the water and didn’t seem phased by anything we were doing.  Kamy already loves to stand, but she liked standing in the water too — it’s easier to stand when you don’t have to work on supporting as much weight.  Our instructor Kayrn was laughing, saying she will be likely walking around 9 months at the rate she’s going.  Don’t grow up too fast my dear!

Here’s Kamy last Thursday at my parents’ house after swimming — she’s completely zoned out.  She loves the water but it zaps her energy.  =)