Sleeping Soundly!

Miss Kamy continues to surprise me with how great she’s been sleeping lately.  I’ve had multiple nights in a row with 6+ hours of sleep in one run.  I can’t complain! “Sleeping through the night” is typically pegged at 5+ hours of sleep at one time, so McKamy is definitely spoiling me.  She even slept for a full 8 1/2 hours last night!  She slept from 8:30pm – 5am.  Woohoo!

Here is Kamy sleeping in her Swaddleme with another receiving blanket on top.  I’ve got her double wrapped because her clothes were wet in the middle of the night and instead of struggling to get her into another outfit, I just added the receiving blanket to keep her warm.

I’m going to do my best to keep from expecting this each night and just be happy when it happens — rather than expecting it and being disappointed or frustrated when it doesn’t.  It is all about perspective!  I also don’t pretend that she’s sleeping so well because of me … she is a really easy baby overall and we’re just so blessed to have her.  She’s certainly made parenting relatively easy and straightforward so far.

Napping at Grandmindy’s (for 5 minutes):

Most of the baby books I’m reading say infants spend anywhere from 10 – 12 hours awake at this point.  Since she is sleeping upwards of 12 hours at night (with one feeding in between), it makes sense that she is awake for the majority of the day.  Other than brief cat naps in the swing or after feedings, or napping in the carrier when I’m running errands, she’s awake.  It’s getting more challenging to come up with new games and activities to keep her entertained, but I’m enjoying getting to spend so much concentrated time with her.  We are spending more time with the play gym and the Bumbo seat and her tummy time mat.

I’m also reading to her some, though she doesn’t seem as crazy about sitting still and listening to me talk while not looking at her.  McKamy knows if I’m not concentrating on her or looking at her when I’m holding her.  And since my eyes are focusing on the book I’m reading, it means I am not looking directly at her.  It also makes multi-tasking while nursing a bit more challenging because she does not approve.  =)

One thought on “Sleeping Soundly!”

  1. Haha – I remember those days! Ian did not want me to have a conversation with anyone or look at anything else while nursing! And he wasn’t too crazy about books either until he hit about 7 months. Love the pictures – she looks so comfy swaddled in her extra receiving blanket!

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