Memorial Day Weekend

We went out to Linden to celebrate the Memorial Day weekend!  We left Sunday morning and came home late Monday night.  It was McKamy’s first time out there, so I was really hoping that it would go smoothly and that everyone would have a good time.  Grandmindy and Uncle Garin came out with us too — their first time as well.

We all had a great time!  Keller and Garin spent most of the time outdoors while Grandmindy and I spent most of it inside with McKamy.  Since she’s still so young, we need to be particularly careful about getting her out in the heat, sun, or in the buggy-outdoors.  Her skin is too sensitive to put on sunscreen or bug spray, so staying indoors was important.

We did take her on a walk around the lake Saturday afternoon – there was a slight breeze that took the edge off of the humidity and the sun was behind the trees so we were able to stay in the shade.  Kamy rode in the Baby Bjorn carrier the entire way and was happy nearly the entire time!  I was so impressed because I hadn’t put her in the carrier for that long before, or been that active with her in it.  She did great and really seemed to enjoy getting to see all around.  Half way around the lake we stopped at the dam while Keller and Garin broke up the beaver dam that was blocking the spillway.  Those silly beavers … thinking they can mess with our lake.  I think there were some angry beavers that night when they realized their dam was no more.

Saturday night McKamy slept great!  It was only her second time to spend the night in a new place, so I wasn’t quite sure how she’d react.  She went to sleep about 10 pm on our bed so I was able to join Keller, Grandmindy, and Garin outside for fireworks, s’mores, and visiting.  We also played five full rounds of 42 (a domino game) that night.  By the time we were ready to go to bed, it was past 1:30 am.  Kamy had been asleep the entire time and she stayed asleep when I moved her to the Pack N Play in the living room.  She woke up just before dawn for a feeding and then went back to sleep until 9:30.  Wow, am I spoiled!

Monday McKamy and I spent most of the day inside until it was time to go swimming!  We changed her into her little swim suit and headed down to the lake.  Other than a little mishap where her little face dunked into the water, she seemed to have a good time.  It was definitely more challenging for me to be in the water with her though, since my feet didn’t really touch the bottom of the lake where we were swimming.  The floatie made a big difference though, so I used that for most of the time.

Here are a few photos from swimming:

We left to come home after dinner Monday night.  A quick diaper change at the gas station in town and little McKamy slept the ENTIRE way home.  She slept for a solid three hours in the car and made the drive so much easier and more peaceful than it could have been.  Once we got home, I fed her and she went right back to sleep — for nearly ten hours.  We’re so blessed!  She makes traveling a breeze and I’m so optimistic that we can continue to take little trips with her.

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