Friends and Family

Once more the week has escaped from me and I’m playing catchup with blog posts.  Sorry!

This week was a whirlwind of activity – spending time with family and friends whenever we could squeeze them in.  It was kind of nutty at times!

Tuesday morning I went to a ladies / mothers Bible study at Grapevine Church of Christ.  I’ve really been enjoying the fellowship and starting to think about how we want to raise Kamy and how each little thing we do adds up over time for her.  I know parenting requires being intentional about a lot of things, so I’m glad that I’m starting to build a foundation to work from.

After the Bible study I stopped at the car shop to have my A/C looked at in the Lexus.  It has been working, just not very well.  In this 100* heat, it can never really catchup and cool off the car.  Kamy was so patient and good at the shop!  I only had long enough to have the system checked to diagnose the problem because I had to be home between 1 and 3 for the sprinkler repair guys.  So I rush home, snag something to eat for lunch, and park myself on the couch until they get here.  Of course, they don’t show.  SO!  I pack little Kamy back up and go back to the car shop to have them actually fix the A/C system.

Next on the list was heading to Grandmommy and Grandbobby’s house to visit and for dinner.  Keller’s aunt and uncle were in town for the night, so the six (and a half!) of us went to Olive Garden.  It was really tasty and Kamy was her usual happy self.  We enjoyed the chance to visit with Jim and Donna!

Wednesday was another whirlwind of activity.  The sprinkler repair guys showed up at 9am to check out the problem.  Of course, they couldn’t fix it, so we have to reschedule again for some time next week to actually fix the problem.

We then went to lunch with some girlfriends at Italianni’s.  Keller and I were a part of a Gateway life group when we were living in Valley Ranch.  We were all newly married couples without kids.  Since then though, nearly all of us have added a little one to the family.  One of the couples moved to South Carolina a few years ago.  She was back in town with her four month old Micah, so the four of us got together while she was in town to catchup and see what was going on in everyone’s lives.

Kamy helping me pick out what to order:

Kimber and Micah:

The boys and their Mommy’s!  Kimber and Micah, Jennifer and Elijah, and Laura and Ian:

As soon as lunch was over, we dropped by Grandmindy’s house for a short visit.  It was the only time our schedules aligned for the week, so sometimes you just have to make it work.  We spent about an hour with Grandmindy and made sure she got her Kamy-time before her trip to Arkansas.  =)

After Grandmindy’s, I headed over to Grapevine to pick up Keller from work.  He’d ridden his bike to work in the morning and we were going to be at Oma and Opa’s house for dinner that night.  A quick stop at Ann Taylor (where I used to work) to visit and kill some time and it was time to go get Daddy. We had a nice time in Argyle visit with Oma and Opa.  It had been nearly two weeks since they’d last seen her because they just returned from Colorado.  Dinner was tasty and we cooled off later in the pool.  It was the first time that Keller had been in the pool with McKamy.  She had a great time and everyone else was tired of being in the pool before she was.  Silly little waterbug!

Thursday included a lunch date with one of my friends from college, Adrienne.  She was one of the hostesses at my baby shower and was a bridesmaid in our wedding five years ago.  We went to lunch at Cracker Barrel.  Neither of our husbands really like going there, so it was a treat for us since we both like it.

Other than that, it’s been downright boring around here!  Lol!  Keller’s going to join us for McKamy’s swim class this afternoon so hopefully we’ll have some good photos and video for a future post.  And Grandpops is coming over tonight for dinner and Kamy-time.

Thanks for hanging in there with us as we’re making the rounds!  Family and friends are so important to us so we are making a special effort to make sure that Kamy knows she is loved by everyone.

One thought on “Friends and Family”

  1. Thanks so much for the blog. I don’t get to check every day here in France but it is great to catch when I can.

    Love to you all!

    Great aunt Joan

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