Swim Class

I know I’ve blogged about Kamy’s swim class before, but I wanted to share a few more stories about it in a separate post.

Keller was patient enough to come with us last weekend while we went to our swim class.  Since I’m in the water with McKamy, I couldn’t take pictures of our adventures ourselves and I needed a helper.  Keller did a great job!

McKamy loves going to swim class!  She is already such a little water bug and really enjoys it.  I have to admit, there is a LOT to look at in the pool.  There are toys and floaties and other babies there!  McKamy is always so alert, but it really seems to show in class.

Here’s a breakdown of the activities that we do in swim class each week:

Murray Swish — This is a side to side motion in the water.  Apparently whenever you bend over, you instinctively hold your breath.  The side to side motion simulates this same reaction and helps the babies learn to hold their breath and become more aware of it.  McKamy also seems to like it since she can feel the water rushing all around her as we move back and forth.

Getting our head wet — This activity is designed to get them more comfortable with the water and not be afraid of getting water in their eyes or mouth or ears.  We (the moms) sit in the water, prop up our little ones on our knees and pour water over their heads.  It also allows the babies to get wet gradually and not do anything too sudden which may distress them.  Of course McKamy is completely comfortable with it, but it can’t hurt to take it slow!  I love her little expression in this photo!

Mr Duck — The yellow floatie all the babies are sitting on is called Mr. Duck.  While our babies are sitting on it, we spin around in a circle so they can feel the motion of the floatie and how the water moves around us.  Then we help them fall forward into the water and catch them before their little heads go in the water.  The falling motion is another key to helping them learn how to hold their breath — an instinctive reaction.  Falling forward into Momma’s arms helps too!

Back Float — Another skill that we’re learning is how to float on your back.  We all have a natural buoyancy, so it’s a relatively easy skill to learn when you’re itty-bitty.  The key is to draw McKamy’s attention up and behind her — either looking at me or in a mirror.  That brings her chin up, raises her chest, and causes her to take in a bigger breath.  That combination is enough to help her float!  In these photos I’m supporting her head so she won’t turn over or dunk her face in the water, but I am not supporting any of her weight.  She really is floating!  It’s amazing to me.

Standing — They’ve got an underwater platform at the swim school where babies can work on standing up without having to support their own weight.  Most babies cannot support their own weight and stand at this age.  Little Miss Kamy, though, LOVES to stand up.  She’s so funny about it too.  She’s quite a pro, especially when standing in the water!  If anything, it’s harder for her because she seems to lose her footing and float instead of standing.  Sweet baby!

McKamy LOVES her swim class … any time she can be in the water means we’re about to have fun.  She’s so silly!  I cannot wait until she learns how to kick her little feet and splash with her hands.  Then it’ll be a riot!

One more little story about swim class.  There’s a sitting area for parents and family to watch what’s going on in the pool without being in the water with them.  Two weeks ago, I had several people come up to us after class and tell me that they all voted and decided McKamy was the winner!  Of course, it was completely subjective, there were no criteria, nor were there any prizes for winning.  I don’t even know what she won!  But apparently they were all so impressed with how good she was doing in the water — enough to come up to me and let me know.  Since they didn’t know her name at the time, they were just calling her the Pink Baby because of her swim suit.  Lol!

Great job McKamy — you’re impressing everyone with what you can do.  I’m so proud to be your Momma!

One thought on “Swim Class”

  1. Very impressive!!! It is great that she is learning to swim so quickly!

    Love, Great aunt Joan & Mike

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