The Adventure Seat

Keller and I have fondly nicknamed Kamy’s car seat The Adventure Seat.  We might be deluding ourselves, but hopefully by putting a positive spin on it Kamy won’t grow to hate getting in it!

This past weekend we made a quick trip down to San Antonio.  We drove down Sunday afternoon and came home Monday evening.  It was a lot of driving and a short trip, but it was worth it.

Keller’s cousins Lee and Sarah were kind enough to put us up for the night so we didn’t have to rent a hotel room.  We’d never seen their house and rarely get to see them, so it was quite a treat to spend some time with them.


Lee and Zeus:

Kamy did so great on the way down.  She slept most of the way, with only a diaper change and feeding in Waco before stopping in San Marcos to kill a little time and go to the Outlet Mall.  I have a baby shower coming up that I needed to get a gift for and Keller needed new shorts and jeans.  We found what we were looking for!  McKamy then napped again on the way to Lee and Sarah’s house.  Aside from being cranky at dinner, she was in a happy mood.  However, she did NOT want to go to sleep.  Of course, she’d slept for a majority of the day in the Adventure Seat, so she may not have been very sleepy.  We finally got her to sleep in her pack n play about 11pm.

Tired and cranky:

Monday we spent nearly all day in the car.  Lee and Sarah left for work before we were ready to head out ourselves, so we packed up and let ourselves out at 8am.  Keller had a meeting at 9, so after dropping him off Kamy and I went shopping.  We made a pit stop to get the oil changed on the truck and found a local outdoor mall to kill some time.  I was expecting Keller’s meeting to last an hour or an hour and a half but he texted me thinking he’d be done around 12:30.  He didn’t get out of it until 1:15pm though!

Kamy fell asleep in her car seat at noon, so by the time we were hitting the road back toward home she’d been in the car seat for two hours straight, plus the hour and a half first thing in the morning.  Adding another five and a half hours before we got home, and it had been a REALLY long day.  She was remarkably patient though, considering the constraints.  I sat in the back with her for most of the drive home — attempting to entertain her and then singing to her to get her to go to sleep.  Time passes much quicker while asleep!  We finally rolled into our driveway just before 8pm.


Beyond tired of her Adventure Seat.  Look at those sad eyes:

I’m so proud of McKamy for hanging in there and tolerating traveling. I don’t think we’ll be broaching the thought of driving to Colorado yet though … 14 hours straight is probably more than she (and we) can really handle right now.  And that’s without nursing and changing stops along the way.  Lol!

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