We had our first injury due to mobility last night. =(

Poor little McKamy bonked her head on the side table in the living room last night before bedtime and took a gash out of her eye brow. Needless to say, she still had a different cry when she’s in pain. It hurts Momma’s heart to hear it. Fortunately it didn’t take her very long to get over it and return to her happy self.

With Daddy’s help we got her all cleaned and patched up. I’m sure it’s just the very first of many times that we’ll be putting on some antibiotic ointment and a bandaid.

The gash looks much better today though, and it hasn’t slowed down her crawling!

One thought on “BONK”

  1. Mike remembers when Matthew hit his head on the corner of the coffee table and he could see his skull!!! as well as the time that he jumped into a swimming pool rubber ring and hit head on the side of the pool gushing blood; while Mike dealt with Matthew the dog knocked Alex (2 yr old)into the pool. Seeing her golden hair floating in the water Mike grabbed her hair and pulled her to safety; just two of many mishaps you never forget (not to mention the time that Matthew swallowed a drum stick which neccessitated a trip to the hospital). Both Matthew and Alex are alive and well. Matthew works in pharmecueticals…

    Joan & Mike xoxoxoxo

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