
Curiosity is such a joy to watch!  McKamy has really become much more outgoing and inquisitive in the last month or so and routinely will search out items to learn about.  It doesn’t actually look like just playing, but she spends concentrated time inspecting, feeling, and thinking about things as she finds them.

The pantry is FULL of fun goodies:

One of the cutest things she does right now is turn the item in her hand back and forth, left and right, to see it from all angles.  It’s almost like she’s waving with something in her hand, while studying it.  It’s so intentional!

Sharing with Oma:

She thoroughly understands the concept of under and in.  If something moves out of her line of sight, she’ll figure out where it likely went and try to find it.  I have to hide my books behind the couch cushions so she can’t find them!

This afternoon we were playing “find the ball.”  She’s got a large cardboard can (like an oatmeal container) that her wood blocks live in.  I’d drop the ball in with all the blocks and she’d reach in and pull out the ball.  Sometimes a block or two would come out in between, but she’d only hand me the ball when she grabbed it.  She knows that the ball is different than the blocks and she’ll actively reach in for that one item.  She’s learning so fast!

McKamy is still a book lover … which I love!  This is what the play room looked like tonight before putting her to bed.  Bear in mind all the toys and books were in the large basket when we started playing.  Every book was pulled out and had been thumbed through.

Kamy has even learned a little about the concept of “through.”  Here she is looking through the holes in her block bucket at Oma and Opa’s house.  The photo doesn’t do it justice, but she’s looking through the star at Oma.  How does she figure that out so fast?!?

We hopped out to Linden over the weekend and Kamy was finally able to use her swing again!  The last couple of trips the weather has either been cold or wet so the swing wasn’t an option.  Needless to say, she remembered how much fun it was and had a blast playing with Daddy!

What a great smile!

Your curiosity will take you far in life McKamy — I hope you never lose the passion for learning about the world around you.  We truly live in a miraculous world.  We love you!

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