Snowed In

Well, what a winter!  This is the second significant winter storm that we’ve had this year.  I’m not sure about “global warming,” but something sure is making snow show up on our doorstep.  I know when I was little, I rarely remember seeing snow and a snow day from school was even more scarce.

Here are some photos from the January storm that I never posted:

Then this week we got hit by the tail end of the monster storm that left all sorts of havoc in it’s wake — all the way up to New England.  Of course, this was on the end of a gorgeous weekend with temperatures around 70*.  What started as rain early Tuesday morning turned into freezing rain, then sleet, then snow.  And mostly sleet and ice.  We ended up with about 1/2″ of solid ice, topped by another 2-3″ of sleet pellets and a little snow.  Since the temperatures didn’t get above freezing (or even above 25* during the day), there was virtually no melting.  The local school districts ended up cancelling school for 4 straight days.  Today brought another 6″ of snow, so we’re quite buried!

Fortunately Keller was able to work from home Tuesday – Friday and only had to go in on Thursday to get his computer fixed.  Thank goodness he didn’t have to deal with the icy messy roads much.  I, on the other hand, haven’t left the house since Monday afternoon.  Being snowed in hasn’t been too bad, but I know Keller’s got cabin fever and I think I’m about ready to run an errand or three this weekend and get caught up.

We’d bought home a load of firewood from Linden in mid-January, so we were prepared to supplement our heater with the fire.  It’s been really nice to have a warm, crackling fire going all day long and it smells wonderful.

All that to say, Kamy’s been cooped up in the house the last couple of days, with only us, her toys, and her books to keep her company.  Poor little girl — she didn’t get any attention at all.  </sarcasm>  Hehe!

Play time with Daddy:

Cuddles with Momma:

Kamy’s reading her book “The Wheels On The Bus” that Joan sent.  She loves her books!

What a beautiful girl you are McKamy!  We love you so much.  Who needs sunshine with you have a smile like this to warm your heart?