Mimicking and Firsts

Kamy’s had a lot of firsts these last couple of days, so we’ve been pretty busy around here!

The Saturday after her birthday, the three of us went to the circus!  The Shriner circus was in Garland for the weekend and we made quite the afternoon of it.  Kamy really did seem to enjoy it, though the circus was pretty long and between getting there 30 minutes early, a long performance, and a long intermission, we were there for nearly 4 hours.  She was quite a trooper though and hung in there exceptionally well for being 12 months old.  We were impressed!

Speaking of impressive — how does he do that?!?

We were a little overstimulated at times though … understandably!  And the only thing we didn’t really like was the motorcycles because they were so loud.  I’d definitely call it a success though and we’ll look forward to the next time.


McKamy’s right on the verge of walking on her own and will stand in place for a handful of seconds before plopping down.  She’s also getting more confident walking by holding just one hand too, so that’s well on it’s way.  Kamy’s getting faster and faster while cruising around furniture and, when she’s in a hurry, she’ll go hand over hand and let go pretty frequently.  It’s just a matter of time now before she’s running circles around me!

I got this super cute photo the other day while Daddy and Kamy were going to check the mail box.  Be still my heart — she’s not all grown up quite yet.  <sniff>

Walking around outside is going to require wearing shoes more often, so we’re fortunate that she received shoes for her birthday.  Thanks to everyone’s gifts, she’ll be decked out for this summer.


Another new first is her first word! <Drumroll> And it’s “UP!”  It’s not “up” as in, pick me up.  It’s “up” in order to turn on the lights.  We’ve been playing with light switches the last couple of days and saying “up” to turn on and “ down” to turn off (at least most of the time.  We have some double switches for the same light so up isn’t always “on.”)  She very clearly says “up” when playing with the light switches now — but not always when switching them up.  We’ll work on down next.  =)

She’s been saying Mama and Dada and Dadee for a while now, but it’s not always related to either of us — while it can be, it’s just as often used to emphasize something else that she wants or is pointing at … or is just random.

Kamy’s expressing more and more vocally all the time.  She’s quite the little talker in swim class, she’s not afraid to tell you what she wants, and she’s starting to learn about volume.  Now we just need to work on our “inside” voice.  =P


Lastly, we’ve discovered our tongue.  At swim class last week there was a new little girl (14 months old) who loves playing with her tongue and had it hanging out almost all of class.  It was pretty hysterical.  Kamy has picked up on it (with encouragement from Momma and Daddy of course), and she’ll mimic you if you stick out your tongue and say “mmmm!”

It’s super cute now and won’t be for ever, so we’ll likely be looking to break this handy little habit before we know it.  In the mean time … enjoy!

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