15 Month Update

So, while I don’t really have any new photos to add to this post, I did want to pause and recap what Kamy’s up to these days.

Kamy is learning SO MUCH right now.  She’s learning nearly as fast as we can teach things to her right now.  She’s picked up several new signs and at least two new words just in the last week.  She understands more and more of what we tell her and ask her to do and will (most) often comply.

  • Sign language – A few nights ago she learned “please” and will now use it when we ask “What do you say?” when she points to something.  She’s also learned “water” and will sign it when she wants her sippy cups.  Not necessarily a sign we intended to teach her, but when we ask “What happened?” or “Where did they go?” and raise our hands and shrug our shoulders, she’ll do it right back to us.  It’s pretty cute!
  • Spoken language – On top of her usual words, she’s added “blue” for blueberries, “peas” for please (in conjunction with signing), and “chee” for cheese.  “Hi” is getting clearer too.
  • Mobility – Kamy’s getting so mobile and active!  She’s such a busy busy little girl and is in constant motion.  It doesn’t matter what we’re doing or where we are, but she rarely will sit still and always needs to be exploring what’s around her.  She’s not quite up to running yet, but she can certainly move quickly when she wants too — though her feet don’t always keep up with her!  While at Starbucks with a friend over the weekend, Kamy was constantly going to the door and watching people walk outside.  Of course I had to go get her every time someone actually wanted to come in or out, so I was up chasing her around most of the time.  The Starbucks we went to didn’t have a high chair, so keeping her still was a losing battle.  In return, we left a lot of nice little hand prints on the glass door.  We’re definitely still working on “come” and she’ll do it … when she wants to.  =)
  • Climbing – She’s constantly trying to climb on top of things.  Her latest feat was climbing on to the open dishwasher door in the kitchen tonight.  She can almost pull herself out from the side of a pool too.  If she can get her little fingers wrapped around something, she’ll likely pull on it and try to pull herself up.  She can’t quite get on the couches or chairs yet since her legs aren’t long enough, but she’s definitely trying.  She’s even getting strategic and will pull down the pillows from the couch and try to stand on them in order to get to the couch.  It’s only a matter of time before she’s on top of all the furniture.
  • She remains a good eater!  While veggies are a little challenging to get in her, all fruits are fair game and she’s a HUGE fan of blueberries and blackberries.  While it makes for interesting diaper changes later on, I’m happy she gets so many natural vitamins and minerals from fresh fruit.  Meats are getting more consistent and ground beef is nearly always a success.  Starches are a pretty safe bet too — especially pasta.  She’s learning how to use a spoon and she ate most of her mashed potatoes tonight by herself using one.  She’ll also point to her bib or stand by her high chair and say “up” when she wants to eat.  If a bib is in reach, she’ll even try to put it on — though actually fastening it around her neck is beyond what she can do for now.  Kamy will undo the velco and pull the tabs around her neck to help though!
  • Kamy’s still a little petite thing, like her Momma.  She’s right at 25% for height now, meaning if she stays on the same average track she’ll be about 5’3″ or 5’4″.  She actually gained a bit of weight in the last few months and sits just over 20 pounds (10% for her age group).  She’s got a big head though for her growing brain — 75% so all looks good there too.

She’s such a good girl!  We’re still trying to figure out how we want to encourage and discourage certain behaviors and habits that she’s encountering and trying day by day.  For instance, we’re strongly discouraging her from standing on the brick surround around the wood burning stove in the living room.  While it’s not a problem now, she needs to NOT touch the stove in the winter when it might be hot.  So we’re trying to teach her that it is never okay to mess with it.  It just seems like a safer bet all around.

It blows my mind that she’s been in our lives for 15 months now … I can hardly remember what daily life was like before she was born.  She’s at such a fun age right now, Keller and I are just trying to soak up every nuance and moment with her that we can.  Before too much longer we’ll have another itty-bitty in the house and we’ll be starting over from day 1, so we’re enjoying focusing our time on her before she has to share us.

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