Kamy – 22 Months

Another month, another update on everything little Miss Kamy is up to!

  • Kamy is talking up a storm now!  She’s picking up vocabulary words like crazy and she constantly amazes me with the words and concepts that she knows.  Since she’s figured out how multiple syllables and multiple words go together, she can articulate so many more thoughts than she could before.  It’s pretty amazing to see the wheels turning in her head as she puts words to the world around her.  Three word sentences are extremely common now and even four and five word thoughts are coming together.  She’s more than doubled the words she uses in a day … it’s been exponential!  Even though her pronunciation is getting much clearer, I still have a hard time figuring out what she’s saying some times – either it’s a new word that I didn’t know she’s learned, or I can’t figure out the context.  As her memory improves, she may be referring to something we did yesterday and it may not specifically apply to the present situation.  It’s tricky sometimes!
  • Kamy’s nailed down all of her upper case letter and most of the lower case ones too.  We’re still working on the difference between b, p, d, and q … but to be fair, they’re all reflections or mirrors of each other and that’s a hard concept to grasp.
  • Another favorite right now is coloring.  We spend some time nearly every day at the table with her box of crayons and a few sheets of paper.  She loves to have her hand traced and tracing mine.  We’re also practicing drawing circles, hearts, and straight lines.  I love how she’s sticking her tongue out in concentration in this photo:

  • We also have a little singer in the house now.  She usually won’t start singing on her own, but she’ll help us sing songs and fill in the blanks when we pause in a song.  Her two favorites are Winnie the Pooh and the ABCs.  We’re missing a few letters when she sings the ABCs, but we’ll get there sooner than I care to admit.  She certainly can’t carry a tune yet, but she knows which words go where and tries to change her pitch as she sings.
  • Recognizing numbers is getting better too.  Kamy knows 0, 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, and 9 solidly but 3, 4, and 5 are still shaky for now.  She counts items constantly, without prompting.  Countless times daily I hear “two waters … three balls …” as she counts the things around her.  Kamy also counts before tossing a ball and her target number changes.  I never know when it’s coming my way!  One time she’ll count to four, the next she’ll count to nine, and then she’ll count to five.  Who knows what her little brain is thinking?!
  • We’ve started to work on understanding the passage of time.  We talk about hours as they pass during the day and give her a time period before the next activity (15 more minutes, then nap time).  We’re talking about yesterday, today, and tomorrow.  Kamy’s also learning the days of the week and knows Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.  I’ve got a daily desk calendar on the bathroom counter and she helps me tear off a page every night before bed … when we talk about what’s going to happen the next day and talk about the weekday, date, and month (January at the moment).  She’s always interested in figuring out how things relate to each other, so hopefully the calendar will help her grasp time.
  • Books are on the side lines right now, while puzzles and building blocks are at the top of the list.  She loves her “puz els” and will spend a good portion of the day playing with them.  We’ve started mixing up the pieces from different puzzles into the same basket and she has to separate which pieces go in which puzzle.  No problem at all.
  • We ordered a Nook tablet this month and Kamy loves playing on it!  Keller put the andriod software on it, so we have several apps on the tablet for Kamy to play with.  One of her favorites right now is … a set of 14 puzzles.  She can fly through them in no time flat, so I need to start hunting for another challenging app for her.  She loves to “pay game” or “puz el” whenever Momma and Daddy will allow it (usually no more than 15 minutes per day).  Kamy also likes to play the Wii with Daddy, especially Mario Kart.  She has her own controller that she can “steer” with and she loves to sit on Daddy’s lap and make “mon’ go!” (monkey go!)

  • Kamy is turning into quite the shutter bug.  She loves to get her photo taken, especially if she had a hat on.  Hats and purses are really big right now, and she loves to put them on.  Of course, after you take her picture she wants to see it immediately.  Keller got this cute video the other day so we can remember “take pic” and “see see.”

I cannot believe that she’ll be two years old in March.  I already think of her acting like a two year old (as far as abilities and talking and everything else), but it’s realizing that she’s been in our lives for two entire years that’s the surprise.  I do remember what our family was like before McKamy and Caden, but it’s certainly getting more distant!  We aren’t planning a huge birthday party or anything, but we’ll be celebrating with family when we go into DFW.

We love you Kamy-girl!