Caden – 3 Months Old

Three months have passed since our little boy arrived in our family.  What a whirlwind it’s been!  With the new level of busy-ness that comes with two children, each day goes faster than the one before.

While we were in DFW at Christmas, we set up an appointment with Doctor Benzick (Kamy’s pediatrician) for Caden’s check up and shots.  The shots were no fun, but the rest of the appointment went well.  He’s measuring at the 90% for height and 75% for weight.  He’s a big boy and looks like he’ll probably be tall.  That explains why he’s out growing the one piece clothes quickly.

Sleeping is going much better overall.  We still have rough nights when Caden wakes up three or more times per night.  However, we are starting to have consistent nights with just one feeding and diaper change.  I even got eight straight hours Saturday night!  While that’s not the norm, I appreciate it when it happens.  =) I’ve ordered a mobile for his crib as well, so hopefully we’ll figure out something that will work for everyone.

Caden hates taking naps and falling asleep.  I don’t know if he’s afraid he’s going to miss something, but goodness he fights sleep.  We got a white noise machine and it made a huge difference in how well he would stay asleep.  Most time it takes ten or fifteen minutes to get him relaxed and then asleep.  Some days the only way I can knock him out is to put loud static right by his ear and rock him.

Caden is rolling over now too!  It isn’t very intentional yet, but he’ll often roll onto his side to look at something, so finishing the movement is a by-product of being on his side.  I actually managed to capture the first successful roll with my camera, so here are the highlights.

He’s also a creeper.  Unlike Kamy, when Caden is on his tummy he’s in constant motion and ooches forward steadily.  He’ll pull his knees up under him and then stretch out … inching forward.  I have a feeling he’ll be crawling when we blink.

Also new, Caden’s found his tongue!  Once he’s messing with his tongue, he’ll mimic you if you play with him which is just about the cutest thing ever.

It’s been amazing to see our family grow and adapt with Caden.  I love our little family now and I can’t imagine life without him.