
One of the craft activity ideas I got from Pintrest was playing with Coolwhip.  There are a ton of sensory and exploratory activity ideas online, and it’s a little intimidating to look at all the major projects and getting everything you need together to do it.  This one was really simple — and a big hit for both McKamy and Caden.

First I thawed the Coolwhip at room temperature.  Then I divided the Coolwhip into 12 muffin cups and used different food coloring to get a range of colors.  Aren’t they pretty!  A little mixing with a spoon and I was ready to go.  That was easy!

Next up?  Getting both kids stripped down to their diaper in the bath tub.  (The diaper was optional of course, but since I planned to take photos, I didn’t want to have to worry about camera angles to keep everything private.)  I gave them a couple of baby spoons and some plastic silverware and let them go at it.

Kamy spent most of her time eating it … sampling each of the colors, which of course all tasted mostly the same.  The pink was definitely her favorite!  I also tried to encourage her to “paint” the tile walls with it, but she wasn’t too interested.  Oh well, Momma made a rainbow anyway!

Caden put his whole hand in one of the muffin cups and spent the next while trying to figure out what exactly was on his hand!  He tasted a little of it, but nothing like Miss Kamy who was feeding herself with a spoon.

We had enough Coolwhip left over when they were done playing to stick it in the fridge (covered with cling wrap) and pull it out a few days later.  Other than a little bit of liquid separating from the Coolwhip, it was ready to go.  Oh, and the bottom of the tub got pretty slippery when all the Coolwhip was spread around on the bottom, so be careful if you’re standing up.

And like most kids, cleaning up was just as much fun as the activity itself!  The both love being in the bath tub — Kamy played in the shower spray and Caden splashed around in the tub and tried to catch the water dripping from the faucet.

Fun fun!