Kamy – June

Another delayed post, but we have been somewhat busy trying to get our house ready to list in a few days.  It seems I’m always playing catchup on these blog posts, huh?  =P

  • Kamy is really amplifying her stories.  She narrates constantly and provides a running commentary on what we are doing, will be doing, or might maybe one day be doing.  She is surprisingly accurate and has absolutely no trouble following what is going on.  Her vocabulary is also expanding and I intentionally use larger, more descriptive words in our conversations that she is picking up on and incorporating into her narration.  Phrases like “there is a water tower off in the distance” are becoming more common — which I’d venture to guess is pretty unusual for a three year old!  She has also been combining melodies and new lyrics to create new songs.  It is super sweet and I love to hear her “sing” to herself while working on something or playing.  Here she is singing to Daddy while he takes a nap.

  • Kamy is downright silly sometimes!  When deciding where to eat lunch, she voted for Breado, closely followed by Pastee and Chinesey.  Chinesey serves Chinese food if you were wondering.  Then she’d laugh and laugh.
  • Kamy’s new nickname for Caden is “My Caden.”  I’m not really sure who she picked it up from since neither of us call him that very often, but if she’s talking about him she refers to him as hers.

  • Her math skills are getting sharper.  She is really good at counting backward and can count down from 10 without any problems.  She will legitimately count up to 20 when playing hide and seek with Daddy and is getting even better at reading double digit numbers.  We are working on being able to tell the time from an analog clock and we talk about where each of the hands point when she goes to bed and when I come get her in the morning.  She is definitely figuring out how smaller things relate to the whole.
  • We have also been working on her coloring skills.  It is rare for the coloring boxes to stay on the shelf all day.  Most of the time she holds a marker / crayon / colored pencil correctly, thanks to Daddy’s idea of “stick em up” before she grabs it.  She can be very thorough when she colors and if she is paying attention she will do a very nice job.  Lately she’s wanted to mail coloring pages to family, but only the ones she has done a nice job on and aren’t sloppy make the cut.  I told her if we’re going to spend the money on a stamp to send it, she needs to spend the time to do it right.

  • Kamy loves playing games.  She has a whole cabinet dedicated to board games, puzzles, and card games that we pull out in the evening after Caden goes to bed.  Her favorite right now is Monopoly Junior.  It is the Disney princess edition and she loves to move around the board, pay for castles, collect allowance, and pick up her chance cards.  She can’t read yet, but she knows what each chance card says and will quote it verbatim when she pulls one.  We weren’t sure how much of the mechanics she’d really follow, but she is on top of it.  The only caveat we haven’t added is the double rent for owning castles on each of a certain color, but she definitely pays “rent” when she lands on someone else’s space or go to lunch.  I have been really impressed with her grasp of the game and she can (and will!) call you out if you skip something or break a rule on accident.

  • As I mentioned in Caden’s post, we left both kids with the grandparents while we had a two day couple weekend.  Kamy stayed with Min and they had a great time!  I still hear stories about what they did — going to Sonic, watching fireworks, taking a bath in the big bath tub (no bubbles please!), and going to see GM and GB for Father’s Day.  She did great and she can’t wait to stay overnight again.
  • When Kamy wants your dedicated attention, she cups her hands on either side of her face and looks right at you when she’s asking or telling you something.  It is so funny because she is focused and intent on you.  It’s almost like she’s wearing blinders and can only see you.  It’s super cute.  We’ve been calling it her tunnel.  =P

We love you sweet Kamy-girl!  You are a good girl and we are so proud of the little girl you are.

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