Kamy – October

Kamy has such a precious heart.  I love my sweet girl and she makes me smile every single day.  We are so blessed with healthy, happy children and I am beyond thankful that I get to spend each day with them.

  • Kamy is starting to “read” books to Caden.  When I am busy in the kitchen, they’ll often lean on the couch next to each other and Kamy will tell Caden the story.  It is the sweetest thing ever to see them interact and how kind she is to Caden.  I am so glad that they are close in age and, while I know it won’t be this way all the time, they do get along really really well and are good friends.  They certainly have their moments but for the most part they have so much fun together.

  • Daddy and Kamy took a weekend trip together!  Because Keller has been working so many hours lately, they hadn’t really had much time together, especially concentrated one-on-one time.  Keller ended up taking a whole weekend and they made a little trip for a Daddy-Daughter weekend.  Kamy kept calling it the “Kamy-Daughter Weekend!”  Saturday morning they drove down to Houston and went to the Renaissance Festival all day.  We ordered Kamy a princess costume to wear for the Ren Fair and she absolutely loved it!  The shop keepers would bow to her and call her princess, which tickled her pink!  She even got a crown to wear in her hair.  Shortly after getting there, Kamy was riding on Keller’s shoulders and saw the elephant rides.  She said she wanted to do it.  Daddy waffled and said, “No, I don’t think so, let’s keep looking.”  Instead of letting it go, she leaned down over his shoulder, looked him right in the eye and said, “What I want is to ride an elephant.”  Well, being the Daddy-Daughter weekend and being the awesome Daddy that he is, he said yes.  So Kamy and Daddy rode an elephant!  After spending all day at the Fair and staying through the fireworks, they spent the night near downtown Houston.  Sunday they went to the Houston Zoo and spent the day looking at all the animals and riding the carousel.  Kamy loves carousels, so that was her favorite part.  They had a great time.  Keller and I have already talked about making an annual tradition where we each take one of the kids for their own weekend.  I’m looking forward to building upon that idea!

  • On the way to Houston, Daddy made an interesting choice.  <Wink>  He taught Kamy how to read the speed limit signs along the highway!  She is already pretty good at reading double digit numbers, but now she understood what those signs and numbers meant.  Not stopping there, Daddy then showed her how to read the speedometer and compare the two.  The rest of the drive was peppered with comments along the lines of “The speed limit is 70, why aren’t we going 70?  Why are we going 55?”  She hasn’t grasped the whole don’t-run-over-the-car-in-front-of-you concept yet.  =P  You can’t fault her observation skills though and we have no concerns about needing glasses any time soon if she can read the speedometer from the back seat!
  • I picked up a few new workbooks for Kamy this month too.  They are more narrow in scope and mostly work on recognizing same vs. different and spotting the changes in two pictures.  She’s doing great with them and will pull them out to work on every couple of days.  Her fine motor skills are also getting much more controlled and she loves to color pictures.  Crayons are a bit harder to color where you intend, but she does a beautiful job coloring with markers and will stay in the lines and color very neatly.

  • One of Kamy’s toys is a kid’s digital camera.  Kamy takes photos with it, but she spends more time doing the little games in the program.  One game requires to you align sections of a photo so they match up, another has you push the arrow keys that match what flashes on the screen, and the third has you follow a sequence of moves with the arrow keys.  While we are limiting how much time she plays with it, I am very impressed with how well she is translating what the games tell her to do and put it into action.
  • Dealing with the potty is still an on-going struggle.  At this point it is not a lack of ability, but rather a lack of desire and interest.  We are still working on finding the right balance of rewards and consequences but we haven’t hit the nail on the head yet.  I’m afraid my patience in this area is not where I’d like it to be, but we are making some progress.
  • Lastly, we are working on improving Kamy’s room tidiness and standards of neatness.  I don’t expect her room to be ready for a house showing or anything, but she has to have her clothes put away correctly (ie: not under the bed or piled in the corner of her closet) and all her bed stuff in bed or in the toy box and not all over the floor.  She’s getting better at it, but we were doing a “show me” check daily when she said her room was picked up after quiet time or nap time.

Love you sweet girl!

One thought on “Kamy – October”

  1. Love the speed limit game! When I was in elementary school my mother sent me to an optometrist who had me do eye exercises looking at things in the far distance. Mike often calls me ‘eagle eye’ because I seem to notice things in the distance that other people don’t. The exercises didn’t prevent me from needing to wear glasses (from the fourth grade) but I do credit them with affecting the way I see which is particularly important for an artist.

    Congratulations to both you and Keller on two adorable and interesting children; I am looking forward to seeing the pictures from your Christmas celebrations!

    Love, great aunt Joan xxx

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