Kamy – January

  • Kamy is really starting to grasp some new concepts this month.  We’ve been working on the idea of a half — particularly when it comes to food.  She will split her food into two roughly-equal parts and call each of them a half.  She’s also noticing when her drink is half full.  Anything we can physically manipulate into two sections can become a half:  a pile of crayons, toys, or coins.  “We are halfway there!”
  • We have been talking about how things relate to each other location-wise.  Kamy knows who she is sitting adjacent to or across from at the table.  “Caden and I are adjacent to each other,” or “Caden and Momma are adjacent to me!”  Kamy is beginning to understand proximity since we talk about who is sitting closer to the mailbox or who is closer to Disney World (not that we are close!).

  • Picking up on her love of new vocabulary words, we ran across a funny situation.  We were flipping through a Popular Mechanics magazine, identifying the various cars and tools and general stuff in photos.  One ad was for Marlboro, of two large hands holding some loose leaf tobacco.  Kamy asked, “What is that?”  And I replied, “It’s called tobacco.”  Pausing for a good 15 seconds, Kamy then asked, “How do you Bacco?”  It made me smile — fair enough Kamy girl, to-bacco sure sounds like a verb to me!  Then I explained that it was a type of plant and leaves that were crumbled up.  Those gears are always turning in her mind!  “Chandelier” has also been a new vocab word this month.
  • Kamy’s phrase of the month is “At least,” typically used in response to my question about her doing (or not doing) something.  Momma: “Kamy, I need you to clear off the table.”  Kamy: “I put away the ladybug at least!”  She’s been trying to use it as her excuse to not do whatever I’ve told her to do.  Unfortunately for her, that doesn’t negate what she actually needs to do right now.  I hear that phrase from her at least(!) ten times a day.  Silly girl!
  • We spent an afternoon out in Linden with Oma, Opa, and Regine this month too.  We had beautiful weather and the kids loved being outside.

  • Memorable Kamy Conversations:

    While in the car, we reward “points” for calling water towers and school buses. These points are redeemable for nothing, and they reset every time we all get out of the car. With that in mind, witness the following exchange between Caden  and Kamy.
    K: Water tower! I get the point.
    C: Water tower, I get da point. Kamy, no points [for you] today.
    (and I quote…)
    K: Oh no! That is terrible! What are we going to do about that?!?

    Conversation between Chione and Kamy.
    “What is thaaaat?”
    “My new hair dryer.”
    “Oh, it has a confuser on it!”
    “I think you mean ‘diffuser,’ dear.”

    Kamy on choosing a good chauffeur.
    “I never want to ride in this truck again!……..until I am…seventy-one.”

  • Kamy has really been testing the rules lately.  I know part of it stems from being gone for three weeks at Christmas, but this month has seemed harder.  Yes dear, the same rules apply that were in place when we were last home.  Yes, they’re still the same from yesterday too.  Testing and forging her own little independent-self are pretty typical at her age, but I’m sure not used to it!  I am still super grateful that she is the sweet, compassionate, kind-hearted little girl because while it may be a rough day for her, we really have it very easy.  For that I am very thankful!
  • Lastly, we have fully transitioned to undies all the time.  She doesn’t use a diaper any more – including at night!  We are still working on the right strategy for staying dry all night long, but she is doing awesome.  She also doesn’t need a diaper for long car rides or a day out shopping in Longview.  I see the light at the end of the diaper-tunnel!


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