Caden – March

Caden is all boy.  He loves cars and trains and dirt.  And he hurts himself … a lot.  This month he has been particularly rough on his body.  He actually has better coordination than Kamy does and usually has a pretty good grasp on what he can and should try to do.  That being said, he had a couple of dooseys this month.  While visiting our neighbor to see their baby chicks, Caden thought it was a good idea to ignore me when I told him not to touch the heat lamp … much to his peril.  Of course he used his pointer finger and burned it really good, to the point of a large blister.  Poor baby!  I’m quite sure it hurt. One night’s bedtime routine involved lotion between his toes for eczema, neosporin for scrapes on his left knee, three knuckles on his right hand, and on his left cheek AND burn ointment with a bandaid (and masking tape wrapped around it) on his left pointer finger for his burn. I feel like the nurse’s office!  He officially checks the “I’m a Boy” box.  =)

“But whyyyyyy?” has made a recent appearance from The Boy.  Most of the time it comes with a whine attached on the back side of the question, though we are working on that.  I do hear it a lot right now!

We’d been puzzling over Caden’s seeming ability to silently escape his room during quiet time and nap time.  He has a door knob cover on his door that should keep that from happening.  For a while I thought he’d mastered the knob, but after catching Kamy sneaking out and opening the door for Caden, I think he was more innocent than I initially suspected.  Kamy on the other hand … not so innocent.

Speaking of nap time, Caden has pretty much foregone taking naps on any sort of regular basis.  At this point he may take a nap once every three or four days, but they are becoming more and more inconsistent.  He’d much rather stay awake and watch all the cars driving by outside his window.  Now if I can just convince him to keep his diaper on while doing so, I’m sure all the neighbors would appreciate it.  Lol!

Caden tells awesome stories.  I love two year old stories and listening to him put the pieces together to retell events is simply hilarious.  His inflection and his hand gestures are over the top and so exaggerated.  He always relates the stories with such passion and excitement, he can make going to the grocery store for “baNANAs!” exciting.   The stories are pretty spontaneous, so I haven’t caught one on video yet, but I’m working on it.

We’ve been working on undies for a several weeks now, on and off.  He is having a hard time holding on until he gets to the potty to take care of business.  We’ve been drilling into his head, “Don’t pee in your undies,” and while I think he gets the general idea, his execution is a bit lacking.  One day he was in his room for not listening and I reminded him not to pee in his undies.  Well, when he needed to go while still in his room, his solution was to take off his pants and undies, pee on the floor, then put them back on.  Well son, I can’t fault your logic there, but that’s not quite what I meant!  Talk about the “letter of the law” over the “spirit.”  =P

Caden remains my sweet, precocious, adorable little man.  I adore his little personality — his expressions, voice inflections, and precious loving heart.

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