Caden – April

April was full of a mis-mash of things when it came to Mr. Caden, so I apologize for the randomness of this blog post.

We got to see Oma and Opa around Easter to celebrate Kamy’s birthday and spend time with them.  Caden loves Opa, and he looks a lot like him!


He remains my sweet, considerate, huggly little friend.  I love his unsolicited hugs and kisses.  He’s also picked up saying, “I love you Momma” when I am frustrated with him.  It does make me smile, but it doesn’t change the consequences of his actions.  Caden is such an encourager.  He loves to watch people play games on the Wii and will say, “Good job!” and give you sweet pats on the thigh when you win.  While playing with stickers in the car one day, I heard “This is awesome!” when they pulled off in one full sheet.  It did mean the stickers were gone quickly, but if that floats his boat, I don’t have any problem with it.  =)

Caden does have his little three year old moments.  He’s got a new scowl that occasionally pops out when I tell him no or he is mad at Kamy.   He is trying to figure out how his opinion fits into the scheme of things and learning how to control his little emotions.  Being little is hard!

Focus and attention has also been a work in progress this month.  Caden tends to tunnel-vision on whatever he is paying attention to, to the detriment of everything else.  He has a new excuse of, “You’re distracting me” when I’m doing anything that he might possibly want to watch or if you’re holding on a conversation in his presence.  Self-control is something that’s hard for everyone!

Caden’s language continues to get more complicated and precise.  He’s learned from overhearing Kamy how rhyming works and will often chime in with a word that rhymes with whatever we are talking about.  Picking out rhyming words plays right into his auditory style of learning.  He’s also quite adept at picking up lyrics to songs.  One day we heard him singing, “Sing us a song, the piano man” from Billy Joel’s Piano Man.  Caden doesn’t know all the lyrics, but he does know the main part of the chorus and sang it on repeat for a couple of days.  It was pretty cute, and impressive considering we hadn’t listened to the song for two days and it was only once in the car.

Speaking of the car, Caden got to go with Daddy into DFW for a short day trip!  Keller went in to see Garin when he came into DFW for an interview.  Keller passed Caden off to Min in the afternoon, who was coming out this way for the weekend.  It was a big day, but he was so excited to get to go to DFW all by himself (at least, without Kamy) and be a big boy.  He still talks about getting to see Garin and driving back with Min.

Speaking of Garin, he was able to spend about two weeks at our home in the transition from Tennessee to DFW.  Both kids loved having him here to play with and they had a great time.



Caden’s version of favorite is “best best.”  His best best undies are of Thomas the train, in case you were wondering.  =)

Caden is not cutting any new teeth, but for some reason he’s been chewing on his fingers and shirt a lot lately.  I’m not sure why, but I’m constantly pulling his hand or shirt out of his mouth.

Lastly, I’ll leave this video for you to watch.  Caden loves to dance and the Safety Dance is the best!


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