Caden – November

Thanksgiving was so much fun!  Caden had a blast playing with everyone who came to visit and thrives on all the attention.  He especially loves playing with his Opa!




Caden had a few note worthy things in November.  He love to help, just like Kamy, so he has a new responsibility.  Our neighbor graciously gave us three aloe plants which live upstairs in a sunny window.  Caden is responsible for watering them every week.  He loves that it is just his job and he takes a lot of pride in making sure that it gets done every Sunday before bed.  Okay, to be fair it usually happens after he is supposed to be in bed because that is when he remembers to do it.  He also loves to help make breakfast and wash the sink.


Caden has found a new way to try to skirt trouble.  When asking him a question that he thinks will get him in trouble, he’ll respond with “I don’t want to tell you.”  Fair enough Caden, I understand that.  Sometimes we make him tell us anyway (like if we knew he did something), but on matters that are less important we’ve been accepting that response.  He doesn’t have to tell us everything, every time.  Just most of the time.  And always the truth.

Caden-boy loves the fireplace!  He is fascinated by the process of stacking the wood and kindling and is right there watching when you start it up.  He will happily go hunt down pine cones or more pine needles to keep the fire going and is just itching to get his hands on the fireplace tools.  Obviously he can’t do anything other than watch at this point, but he’s got quite the fascination with fire.



For school, we continue to take a very light, laid back approach to Caden’s work.  He watches everything that Kamy does and loves to be involved if he can.  He is soaks up everything I tell Kamy and it’s not unusual to hear him saying the answer to my question if Kamy is not paying attention.  This month we’ve been working on both math and letters, primarily focusing on handwriting and legibility.  Lots of practice tracing letters and numbers, identifying the differences between D and B, M and N.  He also did some color by number worksheets, greater than and less than, counting to 20, and simple addition with image clues.  Because of where his birthday falls, he wouldn’t start public Kindergarten until 2017, so we have plenty of time and aren’t in any sort of rush.  He’s doing great though and loves to learn!


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