Caden — February

Four has been a volatile age for Mister Caden.  Emotions are in full swing and sometimes it’s hard to figure out how to handle them.  We’ve been working on controlling tempers and his responses to frustration.  He’s doing good, but it’s taking him a while to get himself sorted out.  A little alone time in his room seems to help and he doesn’t hold a grudge, so that’s a plus!  He’s working on staying dry all the time, which can be hard for a little boy who likes to play and has better things to do than stop and use the potty.  He’ll get there though!  The penalty is no fun thing that night, so that is a fairly persuasive reason to take care of business.

One evening he was worn out from pushing all my buttons and he actually fell asleep at dinner!  Poor boy, he was so tired.  He’d been complaining and whimpering and just toeing the line enough to not get sent to his room and ended up falling asleep on his chair.


For all his emotions, my favorite is still his sweet heart.  He is such a great hugger and he gives the sweetest and best hugs at bedtime.  He has such a kind and generous heart — Caden sure can make me smile!


Kamy’s got a new nickname for Caden: “Buds.”  It’s a little bit cute and a lot country, but it makes me laugh.  I call him buddy all the time, so I can’t say it isn’t totally out of the blue.

School has been going well this month.  Caden is picking up more phonics and is getting more accurate when guessing the letter a word begins with.  He has a lighter daily task than Kamy does, but he still has to complete it without complaining in order to earn screen time.  Lately he’s been very interested in playing on the DS, so he usually chooses that for his screen time.  Caden is working on learning how to tell time, sequencing events, basic addition, counting money, measuring with a ruler, skip counting by 10s, and bar graphs.  Both kids are working on learning about the continents and major countries of the world.


He loves to sit and read on the couch.  We’ve started reading The Magic Tree House series and Caden is very interested in the stories.  They are short and simple, but they are a good introduction to early chapter books, continual stories, and new subjects like ancient Egypt and dinosaurs.


Caden had a blast playing at the Perot Museum too.  Water tables are always fun, but so were the dinosaur exhibits and robots.  Anything he can do with his hands is great!  The more interactive the better, which definitely comes from his Daddy.  =)





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