Caden – February

Caden had a lot of fun on our Colorado trip!  He loves to mess around in the snow, climb rocks, and go on hikes with Oma.  The four wheelers were popular again and Caden went looking for Opa several times daily to ask for a ride.

Once Caden caught a snowball on his face, so he had a bruise for a couple of days.  From then on, they weren’t allowed to throw snowballs at each other.

Caden really liked using his new swimming skills at Breckenridge.  He is getting very good at gliding across the water, so he was swimming back and forth across the hot tub.  It was a little hard for him to see with all the steam and bubbles in the water, but he made it work.  The water was too cold for me to hang out in the pool with him for long, so the hot tub was good enough.  Caden went down the slide numerous times and liked to drop into the water at the end instead of being caught like Kamy.

The kids also went hunting for icicles — both at the sledding hill and around the pool.  They found some big ones!

Caden loves going to swim lessons each week.  I think he’d swim every day if we let him!  He is getting a lot more confident in the water on his own and can swim 20-25′.  He has started working on breathing while swimming — learning how to come up for a breath and then continue swimming.

As I mentioned in Kamy’s post, Grandmommy passed this month.  Caden had a lot more questions than Kamy did, especially about the reason for each of the memorials or services.  In particular, he wanted to know where the ‘burial chamber’ would be … I guess he is retaining something from our history lessons!  We explained that each culture approaches it differently and this was what Grandbobby wanted.  We also discussed the differences in phrasing and the importance of saying “passed away” when referring to loved ones.

Caden has such a sweet heart — several times I heard him say that he was sad that he wouldn’t get to see Grandmommy any more.  Both kids made coloring pages for her.  Caden, in his kind way, included $2 of his money for both Min and Grandmommy.  He’s my little giver.  <hug>

One day out of the blue, Caden said he wanted to learn to read!  I had been waiting for him to become interested in learning, so I was ready to jump right in.  He is starting with the same book that Kamy did, Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons.  So far so good … he’s pretty competent with phonics now just from exposure around Kamy, so he is picking it up quickly.  Math and history are both going well too!

Lastly, Caden signed up for another skills clinic at gymnastics.  He got to spend an extra hour at the gym working on his cartwheels.  His cartwheels are definitely getting better and he is fairly competent at both side and front cartwheels.  Caden loves gymnastics and will happily spend as much time up there as we’ll pay for.  =)



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