Caden — October

Mr. Caden turned 6 years old in October!  My sweet birthday boy was very excited to celebrate his birthday.  We’re so fortunate to be able to celebrate with extended family.  While in DFW, we combined Keller, Payton, and Caden’s fall birthdays into one gathering.

Right now, Caden is big into LEGOs, cars, and crafting.  Many of his birthday gifts reflect his interests.  His favorite and most used gift was probably the set of Elephant and Piggie books from Garin and Jess, and the kindle from Payton and Corinne.  Daddy and I gave him a new Nintendo 2DS to replace his older one, which has been a hit too!

One of Caden’s favorite activities is to play hotel with Kamy.  He turns on his noise maker to the thunder storm setting, then waits for guests searching for a dry place out of the “rain.”  He’ll bring you a towel, offer you a room for the night, and even serve you dinner!  The price depends on how many coins he happens to have in his room at the moment.  Plus your payment is good for one full year!  =)  My boy loves doing things for other people and hospitality.  He’s my giver!

Caden originally said he wanted to be Mario for Halloween, but once his costume arrived, he wasn’t crazy about the fabric and how it felt.  Instead he wanted to be a police officer again.  He’s been talking about being a police officer when he grows up for more than a year now, so it fits right in with his personality.  I resold the Mario costume and then bought a new whistle since he lost the one that came with the police uniform.  He was all set!

Unfortunately, it was raining and kind of cold on Halloween!  Usually it’s really pleasant outside, but not this year.  We still spent about an hour and fifteen minutes trick or treating.  I walked under an umbrella and the kids ran from house to house.  They were pretty wet when it was all said and done, but they had plenty of candy and Caden’s hat kept his head mostly dry!  Several of the houses gave the kids handfuls of candy since there were so few kids out trick or treating.

For school, Caden is ALMOST done with 1st grade math!  This curriculum seems to work really well for him and has given him a lot of confidence.  He’ll routinely say that he likes math too!  That’s always a good sign.  We’re learning about medieval history, which Caden has really connected with.  While he doesn’t like all the wars, he does like the idea of being a knight and serving others.  They also think it’s pretty sad that most of our recorded history from that time period revolves around wars for who is going to be in charge.  The good guys and the bad guys can get murky when you *actually* study history.

2 thoughts on “Caden — October”

  1. Yes, sadly it is often murky who the good guys are. Part of growing up is discovering that all is not always right in the world and learning how to cope with that knowledge. I know you and Keller are doing a great job helping them both to understand.

    Love, Joan

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