Unhappy Tummy

Kamy’s had a rough couple of days.  Apparently she did not approve of what Momma had for dinner Friday night – Nasi.  It’s a Dutch rice dish with Indonesian spices.  While I did not have any trouble eating it, and rather enjoyed it in fact, poor McKamy has had an upset tummy ever since then. I’d heard about spicy foods causing indigestion in babies through nursing, but I did not anticipate that it would bother her this much.

An unhappy tummy makes for a tired Momma and Daddy.  Fortunately, I’ve got a wonderful husband who stayed up with McKamy from midnight until 5 am last night and let me get some sleep … the 2 1/2 hours I’d gotten the night before had officially run out.

Thanks to some tips from my best friend’s dad, who arguably has MUCH more experience than we do, we’re making progress getting our tummy issues all worked out.  Whether it’s little burples or toots, as long as I know that we are making progress I’m happy.

I do think we’ve turned the corner on our upset tummy now … hopefully it will resolve itself soon!  Poor little Kamy – I hope you feel better!