Blessed and Thankful

I cannot believe that McKamy is already six weeks old!  Time really has flown by and it constantly amazes me how much she has changed our lives — for the better.  I would not have imagined being this attached and in love with a little person quite like this.

I did not really grow up around babies, so I really didn’t have a good idea of what to expect.  Yes, I’d read books about parenting and the first year and things like that.  But I didn’t really spend any time with infants and I didn’t have close family with little kids either.  I did babysit when I was in middle school and high school but it was usually for older kids who were already in elementary school at least and were a bit more independent.  I’m honestly not sure if I’d changed more than a handful of diapers before Kamy arrived.

Being a mom is so much more than I anticipated.  I thought  I was busy BEFORE she got here … it’s even more so now.  I’m still learning how to balance my time and activities to make sure the basic necessities get done, I get a little down time, and Kamy gets the attention she deserves.  If she’s awake (which is most of the day now), I want to be interacting with her and helping her learn and develop — not just stick her in her swing or crib and do my own thing.  And I keep writing (and rewriting) my To Do list and very slowly crossing tasks off.

I’ve learned to be more flexible about time and plans.  Sometimes, despite my best intentions, something just doesn’t get done on a given day.  I’m trying to keep everything in perspective — most things can wait and aren’t as important as showering McKamy with all the love and attention she can hold.  In the grand scheme of things, it’s really not that important that the flower beds get planted or the carpet gets vacuumed as frequently as I’d like, or that there STILL aren’t any pictures on the walls from moving in since we just haven’t gotten around to it.

I am so blessed and thankful that I’m able to stay at home with McKamy.  Most women return to work when their infant is six weeks old and have to hand their little babies off to sitters or family or daycare.  I cannot imagine having to leave McKamy with some stranger, all day every day.  She’s much to little to just leave behind!

I am glad that we’ve chosen to limit our expenses and spending within Keller’s income so I can raise Kamy — not someone else.  I am thankful that it’s as important to Keller as it is to me … and that we’d discussed raising children long before we even got married so we knew we would be on the same page.  I wouldn’t have it any other way!  I get to be there for all the little smiles and milestones … for the sweet little moments that are more precious than gold.  I was there last night when (I swear!) she laughed!  When she would smile her sweet little sleepy smile while dozing off in my arms.  When being a baby is so much work and she heaves these huge sighs.  When I can watch her little face as she’s dreaming about who-knows-what.  When I can see her interpret and interact with the world around her more and more each day.

Here’s a short little video clip of some of her little sounds — primarily hiccups but talking to me at the same time.  And Charley (our cat) chimed in at one point too.  Sorry in advance for the low quality recording.


2 thoughts on “Blessed and Thankful”

  1. Loved the video. Baby sounds are in a class by themselves even if they are hiccups. Love you baby girl. Nana

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