Two Month Checkup

Little McKamy had her two month check up at the doctor’s office this morning.  So far all her experiences at this doctor’s office have been positive, but today changed that.  She got a full round of immunizations – one oral medication and three shots.  Poor little baby girl!  She did really good at the office and, while quite upset when it happened, she calmed down pretty quickly after they were done.  I was so relieved because I hate hearing her cry like that.

Otherwise everything looks good – she’s got a clean bill of health!  She still weighs just a bit over 10 pounds and is long for her age, so she’s small boned and has a petite build.  Here’s where she measured today:

  • Length – 23 inches, 75th percentile
  • Weight – 10.1 pounds, 25th percentile
  • Head Circumference – 15.25 inches, 50th percentile

After the doctor’s appointment we went and visited some friends of the family and then ran a few errands on our way back home.  It wasn’t until we got home this afternoon that the shots really started to bother her.  Poor little girl – her legs were really hurting.  I felt terrible about it because it hurt whenever something (or someone) touched her legs.  So here is my Kamy, crying frantically, and every time I pick her up to soothe her, it gets worse.  I ended up laying her on her quilt, taking off her diaper, and just laying next to her, stroking her cheek and trying to calm her with my voice.  Those little tears break my heart!  I admit it – I cried a bit with her too cause I felt so bad.  She’s used to crying and having Momma or Daddy fix whatever the problem is … and it wasn’t working this time.  Poor angel didn’t understand.

She started to feel a bit better this evening after the pain medicine kicked in.  She’s still whimpering and her legs are tender, but she’s not frantic about it any more.

Fortunately we don’t have to go back to the doctor for another two months.  Assuming all continues to go well, she’ll get her next round of shots then.  In the mean time, hopefully we can banish those nasty memories and make many new happy ones in their place.

Smiles for Momma this week:

Side Note – I had several people caution us against helping McKamy stand up and work on her leg strength and balance too early.  I specifically asked our doctor about it and he said it was a myth and if Kamy wants to stand up, go for it.  Thank you for your concerns guys, but she’ll be just fine.  <smile>