13 Months Old

Another month has come and gone and now miss Kamy is 13 months old!  It just boggles my mind how each day seems to slip by and time continues to roll along.  I’m so grateful that I get to stay home with McKamy and spend each and every day with her.

I’m also excited that Keller’s getting to spend more time with her on a daily basis because of his new schedule.  There’s definitely a new pace to our days, but we’re glad to have Daddy home all the time (even if he’s asleep).

Here are the highlights of what Kamy’s learned and started to do in the last month:

  • Getting oh so close to walking.  She won’t take more than one or two steps between furniture or to reach out to you, but if she ever just forgets about holding on, she’ll start walking and never look back.  I’ve been thinking she’d start walking for a long time [the last six months], but honestly I’m not really in a hurry at this point.  She’s easier to keep tabs on when she’s limited to her knees!  =)  I know she’ll be walking soon enough and I’m trying to appreciate and enjoy each phase of her development and not always be wishing for the next stage.

  • As long as she has a finger to hold on to, she’ll gladly walk all around.  You may not have much of a finger left after she releases her death grip, but she’s walking!  She’ll also walk around with her push walker and this morning I saw her pushing BOTH walkers at the same time, which is quite a feat.  She’s started to carry books and toys and her sippy cup with her while pushing her walker too, which is a new trick.  Multitasking already!
  • Kamy’s really gotten into stacking and strategically placing her toys.  She’ll pull all her blocks out and set them up on the couch or the window sill in a group.  She’ll also place blocks and other items on top of each other and understands there’s a right and a wrong way to do it.  We aren’t always fine-tuned enough to place it where we intend, but she certainly gets the idea.  She’s also started to put things back in the toy basket when asked.  While cleaning up isn’t exactly faster with her help, hopefully she’s learning that we put things back when we’re done with them.

  • Peek-a-boo is one of our favorite games now.  She’ll do most of the work now and all you need to do is be excited when you see her.  She’ll play around doors and furniture and couches.  She’ll also use a blanket over her head to play.  Keller caught this adorable video the other day … you can’t help but laugh at her antics!

  • Another favorite right now is pushing all the pillows off the couch.  I don’t know why it’s so much fun, but believe me, you haven’t lived until you’ve pushed pillows off.  Hehe!  We got a photo of her pushing the quilt off too … silly girl!

  • Speaking of the couch, we’ve finally learned how to get down from the couch without doing a face plant.  Most of the time she’ll turn around and slide down feet first, which is a huge improvement over going face first and hoping there’s nothing on the ground that’ll hurt.
  • Kamy will now use her sippy cup on her own more often without dragging it over to Daddy or me to help her with it.  She’s been able to do it for quite a while, but she thinks it’s easier to have someone else hold it for her.  Now if we’ll just let her have a water bottle, she’ll be all set!

  • McKamy still doesn’t like to drink milk.  Whole milk or 2% milk are both rejected completely and any that goes in her mouth comes right back out onto her bib.  We’ve been eating a lot of cheese and yogurt lately to make sure she’s getting the calcium and fat that she needs to grow.  And if I can make a dish with milk in it, I’ll make sure Kamy gets some in her tummy.
  • Kamy had her first real encounters with stairs at Grandmommy and Grandbobby’s house this month too.  It took her all of 0.2 seconds to figure out how to climb up them.  Now we need to work on learning how to go back down. Hehe!

  • Kamy’s getting much more vocal and social.  She babbles non-stop at home now and it’s sounding more and more like words all the time.  We’re still stuck at Mama, Dada, and up, but we’re definitely getting closer to having more words in her vocabulary.  She’s also quite open to other people, especially women.  Men take a bit more caution and it make take 10 minutes or so to warm up to Grandbobby, Grandpops, or Opa.  Once you’ve passed her judgment though, you’re good to go.

  • Books are still one of the best things ever.  Kamy’s got quite a stack of board books in the living room and she’ll drag all of them out every day so she can look through them and ask you to read them.  If you’re laying on the couch, she’ll bring you 2 or 3 books, hand them to you, say “up” and then expect you to read them to her.  By the way, turning pages is her job and you better be reading or you’re not doing your job right.  I’ve also noticed that when she’s reading her books, about 90% of the time they’re right side up.  I don’t know how she knows which way they go, but if you give the book to her upside down and backwards, she’ll flip it around and end up with it right side up.  Another miracle of her little brain …

  • She’s also (finally) consistently sleeping through the night now.  Bed time is usually around 7 or 7:30pm and she’ll wake up between 7:30 and 8am now.  This makes for a very happy Momma because I’m able to get a full night’s sleep pretty regularly and I’m feeling so much more rested.  I need to store up all the sleep I can before we start all over!  =P    Naps are fairly consistent now too — a full hour or longer in the morning, a 30 minute nap around lunch and then a short 15-30 minute nap in the late afternoon or evening.  Sometimes we have multiple afternoon naps because a little someone doesn’t actually go to sleep the first three times.
  • Kamy’s still cutting teeth.  One molar has finally poked through but there are more on the way.  The front of her shirt is always wet and there are constant dribbles coming.  I’m just glad that they don’t seem to be bothering her more than they are.  She’s also learning how to use her tongue to make silly faces and to make new sounds.

Needless to say, it’s been a crazy busy month!  I know posts have been few and far between, but hopefully this gives you an idea of what my days are spent doing!  We’re also getting closer to closing on our new home, preparing to move (and thus packing), and getting ready for our trips at the end of May.

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