Fort Worth Zoo

For Kamy’s birthday, we decided to take Kamy to the Fort Worth zoo!  We visited the zoo in September and had a nice time, but I was pretty sure Kamy would enjoy it at a whole new level.  We were right!

We had gorgeous weather for our zoo day … though apparently a lot of other people thought the same!  And there were probably eight or ten school buses there as well, though having field trip just one week after spring break seemed silly to me.  It was busy, but we were still able to see everything that we wanted to.

First stop was the flamingos, just like last time.

The chimpanzees were a big hit too, especially the little baby that was climbing all around.

There was so much to see, Kamy didn’t spend much time in her stroller.  She preferred to either walk or be lifted up so she could see the animals.

Kamy had one little meltdown around lunch time.  Apparently removing the straps from her stroller was not in her game plan for the day and it took a good fifteen minutes to relax.  At one point she said she wanted to go home!  There were real tears and everything.  =(  She’s having to figure out her little emotions and learn how to deal with them.  Poor little girl … being two is hard!  Who knew that there’d be such a dramatic change just the day after her birthday?  Perhaps she wasn’t quite two yet, after all.

Caden was in a great mood most of the day.  Fortunately he took a nap or two in the stroller while we were there and was content to look at everything going on around him.

One of Kamy’s favorites was visiting the MOLA – Museum of Living Art.  AKA the fish and reptile house.  She was fascinated by them and loved watching them through the glass windows.  Talk about being at eye level!

The bronze statues were a hit too, and Kamy was more than willing to pose for a photo.

We also stopped at the aviary and bought a seed stick to feed the parakeets and cockatiels.  While the parakeets kept their distance, she found a few cockatiels who were more than willing to snack.

On our way out, we stopped in the zoo gift shop to let Kamy pick out a new stuffed animal.  This is where Ah Ah came from, so Daddy wanted to let her choose an animal for her birthday.  She initially reached for the white tiger cubs and made a pile of six of them, but she ended up choosing a pink cheetah.  Realistic, I know.  =)  His name is Polk Dot and I think she likes him, don’t you?

Another fun, successful visit to the zoo!