Kamy – November

*After being gone for three weeks from the middle of December on, I am a bit behind on blog posts.  However, I’m determined to catch up and fill in the gaps.  Thank goodness for post it notes to remind me of what happened each month!*


  • To wrap up talking about Halloween 2013, Kamy dressed up as a girl from the CandyLand game.  It was a cute little dress with the colorful path on the skirt.  Unfortunately it was designed as a Halloween costume and to be worn once, so it promptly fell apart after a few costume changes.  She enjoyed it while it lasted though!  She still wears her Rapunzel dress from the Daddy Daughter weekend (which is awfully threadbare at the moment) and will often call out “Welcome to Princess Rapunzel” when she comes parading down the hallway.

  • We finally polished off the last of the Halloween candy by doling out one piece if they had a good meal.  It is amazing how long a bowl of candy lasts eating a max of 4 pieces a day (lunch and dinner for each kid), though it was rare that they “qualified” for candy at both meals.  The kids did have a disagreement on whether the proper name for a specific candy was “a lollipop” or a “dum dum.”  No, my kids don’t fight about big things … they fight about what to call candy.  It is the important things in life, really.  =P

  • Someone is getting craftier when it comes to dealing with her brother.  We’ve been harping on Kamy to cut back on how bossy she can be, so she is trying a new tack to get him to do what she wants him to do … misdirection.  The best example is when Caden is playing with something that she wants.  Instead of taking it from him (which she gets in trouble for), or trying to talk him into giving it to her (which doesn’t usually work), I’ll hear the following conversation:
    “Caden!  Do you want to play with the ladybug instead of the motorcycle?  I’m done playing with the ladybug!  You should go play with it, it is fun!  Do you want to play with it?”  When Caden leaves the motorcycle to play with the ladybug, Kamy jumps right on it and is off.  Surprisingly, this strategy is effective more than 50% of the time, so it is actually fairly reliable.  Caden will learn soon enough and I’m sure will cut down on how often he listens to her suggestion.  It was pretty funny the first couple of times she did it though!  No one can fault her for her problem solving and creativity!

  • Per Keller’s facebook post, this conversation also happened.  Lol!

    Kamy, age 3, on how to play a game.
    “This is how you play this game. You do not get to play until you are co-operating. Are you co-operating, Caden?”

  • Kamy’s new thing is to say, “Momma?” to get my attention … and then stop to think of something to tell or ask me.  There’s a very pregnant pause after I reply as she has to think of something now that she has my attention.  Silly girl!  I’m happy to answer your questions or talk to you about things, but you don’t need my attention just to have my attention!  She’ll also initiate the following at the table.  Kamy: “Momma?”  Me: “Yes Kamy?”  Kamy: “(pause) … I was talking to Daddy.”  No honey you weren’t.  You clearly looked right at me and said Momma.  Caden promptly picked up on it to and will often say “as talking to Daddy” even when he isn’t in the room.  You guys sure are goofy!

I love my sweet girl and I am so proud of the little lady she is growing up to be!

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