
One thing that I am so excited about doing with McKamy is starting our own family traditions.  Keller had his traditions and I had mine, so it’s very interesting to talk about what we want to do with our family now that we have Kamy.

So, here is our new family tradition – taking spring pictures in the bluebonnets!

What is more Texan than bluebonnets?  Not much that I could think of!

This year we’ve had a great season for bluebonnets.  They are all over the embankments along the highways.  I guess the combination of a cold winter and a relatively wet spring made conditions just right for them to bloom.  It has been a while since there were this many.

Friday McKamy and I went with Melinda to take photos in the bluebonnets.  She LOVES bluebonnets, so I thought who better to come with us and play in the flowers?  We took the pictures along 161 on the east side of DFW airport.  There were huge patches along the highway and the service road is nice and quiet and safe.  We parked at the Calvary Church and picked our patch of blue.

I’d never noticed that bluebonnets have a fragrance – I certainly could not have described one before this trip.  I’m guessing that the actual fragrance is really light and subtle with individual flowers, but with so many in one place, you could actually smell them!  They smelled a lot like gardenias to me.

We had a lot of fun.  I’m really enjoying getting to share these little, precious moments with McKamy and creating all these memories.  I can’t wait to get to share them with her when she’s a bit older and can remember them too!